
Don’t forget to fill out the survey linked in that atrocious e-mail they sent everyone! twitter.com/birdhaslostit/…
first go at woodburning 🐈
grandmacore but make it slavic 🪆
I made a tiny strawberry rug!
happy world bear day 🐻
I don’t know how I’m supposed to come to this website, and day after day for 8 whole months, witness industry shattering news, tech-bro delusions, people gleefully celebrating the loss of billions of jobs while companies rake in profits from our uncompensated labor and stay sane.
Absolutely perplexed by people throwing ‘just move along if you don’t like it’ at creatives drawing attention to the fact generative AI/ML models were built on our uncompensated labor. It’s not enough they are profiting off it, but we also have to… smile and let them?
If you’re interested in an actually groundbreaking animation endeavor, I heartily suggest Loving Vincent. First filmed live-action and then having every one of the 65,000 frames hand painted by more than 100 artists it is a testament to team’s dedication & love for their craft. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
who’s excited for spring? 🌼
Imagine dedicating years or even your whole life to honing your craft, often with great sacrifices to now be pushed aside in lieu of hacks who discovered image or text generators a few months ago. This is happening across all creative industries. This IS a crisis.
☁️💌 a special delivery 💌☁️
Can’t wait for the onslaught of annoying misinformation and dangerous deepfake propaganda. So many people believe this is real, even going so far to say this is clearly evidence for the existence of a higher being?! It’s AI/ML generated. And it’s obvious too!! twitter.com/buitengebieden…
I wish visual artists could work in seasons, where we get to disappear for a few months, make great art, come back to release it and then go back to our goblin hole to repeat the cycle
Possibly the worst pro-AI argument I have ever heard. Utterly offensive cultist drivel.
Beyond disappointed creatives from adjacent fields are not only ignoring visual artists’ struggles right now, but openly using and profiting off of AI/ML. You’re next on the chopping block fellas, and you’d wish you have spoken up sooner.
@linkinpark @pplpleasr1 @maciej_kuciara Using generative AI while the legal matters are this murky and three lawsuits have been announced is really shameful. Pay real artists Linkin Park, for their original work. We know you can afford it.
magpie inkcap for funguary ☁️
Apple tea, to give you strength 🍎
elegant blue webcap for funguary 🌿
turns out I love doodling landscapes 🌲
“It’s time those awful artistic types lose their livelihoods because of my insecurities and a bland personality”
If you have the time/energy posting on multiple platforms can be really helpful for your relationship with your art and self-esteem. Once you notice how the same piece performs SO differently from site to site it gets easier to let go and stop worrying it’s actually your fault.
daily doodle 24; himalayan poppy 🫖
“Adapt or perish!” Okay, we’re adapting through fighting this exploitation via legal channels, spreading awareness of the myriad of issues surrounding the tech and setting the social terms of what is acceptable in our professional spaces. “No, not like that!”
a magpie for daily doodle no.19