Your doctor Kibo-chan 🩺
「Who 誰」
Fishing 🎣
「Do you want to hold it? もってみる?」
Practice for the Japanese Summer Festival🏮
「マジック Magic」
Clean-up time 🧹
I'll give you a tissue.🤧
「Follow ついてくる」
Work from home💻
It's time to get up in the morning!⏰
Typing practice タイプ練習
Go! Kibo-chan!
Melody box 🥁
Kibo-chan came as Santa!🎅
Kibo-chan compilation 008
playing with Legos 🧱
Coffee Grind ☕
「Well done. よくできました」
Kibo-chan relaxing at the cafe.
Standing Kibo-chan