
Time to kick back in Kalos! Join Ash and Pikachu as they begin their travels through Kalos with new friends and new Pokémon. But what exciting adventures await our heroes? Find out this Friday in #PokemonTheSeries: XY on #PokemonTV! 📺 pkmn.news/3p7Pus8
Trainers, we've got lots of fun daily activities now ready for you at My Pokémon Place! Count down to the New Year by visiting every day for new surprises and to decorate your own Pokémon Place with festive treasures 🏆 🏠 ❄️ pkmn.news/MyPokemonPlace…
We're sure you've already created some awesome Pokémon teams in #PokemonBrilliantDiamond and #PokemonShiningPearl, and we want to see them, Trainers! 💎✨ Share your screenshots below👇
Quote Tweet this with your: 1st Pokémon game: Last Pokémon game: Favorite Pokémon game: Most played Pokémon game: Favorite Pokémon game soundtrack:
Attention, Trainers: A new software update (1.1.2) is available for #PokemonBrilliantDiamond and #PokemonShiningPearl. Please see here for more details: pkmn.news/30B02re
No matter how fast you run, your rivals are always one step ahead, pushing you to better your skills. Eventually, you have to face them…for Barry, that time has come. Visit Sinnoh in #PokemonEvolutions Episode 5 to discover how Barry’s rivalry unfolds: pkmn.news/EvolutionsEp5
Shiny Pokémon are lining up to visit your café in #PokemonCafeReMix! Shiny Eevee and Shiny Minccino are available now, with more to come after December. Show off your excellent customer service skills to recruit them as part of your staff too! ☕️🍰: pkmn.news/3dcUmXx
An exciting Kalos adventure awaits! Ash and Pikachu are joined by new friends as they explore this unique region, discover new Pokémon, and battle impressive Trainers! Don’t miss a second of the action in #PokemonTheSeries: XY on #PokemonTV! 📺 pkmn.news/S17OnPTV
⚠️ ❄️ Alolan Ninetales incoming!
After barely escaping Kyurem's attack, our heroes rescue Keldeo and join its mission to save the Swords of Justice! But why is Kyurem attacking? Can Keldeo save its friends? Uncover these mysteries in Pokémon the Movie: Kyurem vs. The Sword of Justice: twitch.tv/pokemon twitter.com/Pokemon/status…
Togedemaru is on a roll! 😵
And because Poké Balls are full of surprises, naturally, if you are able to help me collect all my Poké Balls, I have a surprise for you! What is it? Well, if you help me, you’ll discover a clue! Thank you for your help, friends! - Ball Guy
Hey there! It’s your mate, the Ball Guy! Trainers, since we are such good friends, I have a favor to ask. I was so excited to tweet that I dropped all my Poké Balls! Would you please help me pick them up? I dropped them all here! pkmn.news/3rPFKFU
Friends! Thank you for all your help! We’ve found so many Poké Balls, but we still have more to go! pkmn.news/3rPFKFU Remember the surprise I promised? Well, here’s a hint: it looks like these very same Poke Balls, so it’s hard to find! - Ball Guy
Friends, there is...something I may have forgotten to mention. Do you remember that surprise I told you about? Well...if you touch it, it will self-destruct. So, please be careful while picking up my Poké Ball collection! pkmn.news/3rPFKFU - Ball Guy
Her whole life, Zinnia was told to put her people’s wishes first and to uphold her duties. But when Rayquaza arrives, can she prove her courage and loyalty to Hoenn and its people? Dive into more lore and legend in #PokemonEvolutions: pkmn.news/EvolutionsEp6
Inspire future Trainers with the Pokémon Primers book series 📚 These adorable and interactive children’s books are perfect for teaching young Trainers about colors, shapes, numbers, letters and of course—Pokémon! Pokémon Primers books are available now! pkmn.news/primers
Hello friends! It’s Ball Guy again! Thank you for getting back my Poké Ball collection! As promised, I will show you what was hiding in all those Poké Balls—Hisuian Voltorb!
Hisuian Voltorb looks very similar to the Poké Balls of the Hisui region. This Pokémon is always in high spirits and has a friendly personality. However, it discharges its stored electricity when it gets excited, so it frequently shocks nearby humans and Pokémon.
Of course my surprise for you looks like a Poké Ball! I hope Hisuian Voltorb will also be your friend. Thank you for your help, friends. It’s time for me to go, but I will keep cheering for you all. After all, I’m your mate, the Ball Guy! See you! - Ball Guy
Trainers, stay tuned to our social channels tomorrow at 6 AM PST for a special animation short featuring Hisuian Voltorb!
Pondering my orbs
It’s said that Hisuian Voltorb has a friendly personality...but it frequently shocks nearby Pokémon when it gets excited. 😅 See what happens when Hisuian Voltorb gets carried away in this original stop-motion animation! pkmn.news/hisuianvoltorb
What are your favorite wintertime activities, Trainers? ⛷️⛸️☃️
Scorbunny and Sylveon are ready for the holidays! How do you decorate for winter festivities, Trainers? ☃️