judge taeyong looks so handsome on ep 7 😭
taeyong 🥺🥺🥺 if only he knew how happy we fans from 2016 and even before that were to have got to know him back then, he truly left a positive impact on all of us and we're still here ㅠㅠㅠ we will always be here taeyong twitter.com/alientyong/sta…
taeyong: actually i'm a little bit afraid 。°(°°᷄◠°᷅°)°。
taeyong 3 secs later: 🥤🥤🥤
mark's reaction to taeyong = mood 😭❤️
crazy how people made them out to be as if they hated sticker on 1st listen. you clearly can see they thought the song was challenging as it's majority vocals that stand out more than the instrumental plus the choreo with it so you pull it off or you don't, they definitely did twitter.com/127SOURCE/stat…
we're talking about yoo youngjin here too like 😭 if you don't know him then you don't but if you do you just KNOW how hard it is to match his aim for a song they're being honest is all 🤷♂️ sticker is a song only 127 could master after all i literally can not see anyone else do it
for once i will thank sm for this interesting storyline in a long LONG while... everyone is making theories now it's really fun
i think the writer of the member's poems is 1 person (the main character, the vampire), and the members are each acting out scenes as this vampire
this says a vampire can't be seen as the same person to other people so this vampire appears in front of this person every time in another form (each time another 127 member) 👀 twitter.com/invernoforu/st…
that power song from spotify is probably just a song with a wrong assigned artist cause that happens sometimes