Dan's Point of View(OC/Jim) Underwear ver.
Dan's Point of View(OC/Jim)
straddle "difference ver" (OC/Dan)
いつも通りにして良いよ。"差分バージョン" It's okay to do it as usual."difference ver" (OC/Jim)
いつも通りにして良いよ。 It's okay to do it as usual. (OC/Jim)
筋肉を褒めたら、服を脱いで見せてくれた "差分バージョン" I complimented him on his muscles and he took off his clothes to show me. "difference ver" (OC/Range)
筋肉を褒めたら、服を脱いで見せてくれた I complimented him on his muscles and he took off his clothes to show me. (OC/Range)
Standing illustration of Range Underwear ver.
3人目のオリジナルキャラクター「レンジ」です。 The third original character is "Range".
blindfold(OC/Jim) Underwear ver.
Doggy Style(OC/Dan)
改めて、年賀状ネットプリントを登録しました🖨 今年もどうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。
bunny costume🐰(OC/Jim)
bunny costume🐰(OC/Dan)
#今年も残りわずかなので今年一番伸びた絵を貼る たくさんの人に見てもらえて嬉しかった一枚です。
Do you need a ride?🛷🎄(OC/Jim) Underwear ver.
Do you need a ride?🛷🎄(OC/Jim)
Sexy Santa🎄✨(OC/Dan) Underwear ver.
Sexy Santa🎄✨(OC/Dan)
feel tipsy(OC/Jim) Underwear ver.
feel tipsy(OC/Jim)