いつも通りにして良いよ。 It's okay to do it as usual. (OC/Jim)
straddle "difference ver" (OC/Dan)
bunny costume🐰(OC/Jim)
Relax on the sofa (OC/Jim) Underwear ver.
Sauna(OC/Jim) sweaty ver.
brushing of teeth (OC/Dan) Condom ver.
いつも通りにして良いよ。"差分バージョン" It's okay to do it as usual."difference ver" (OC/Jim)
feel tipsy(OC/Jim)
Doggy Style(OC/Dan)
3人目のオリジナルキャラクター「レンジ」です。 The third original character is "Range".
brushing of teeth (OC/Dan)
Sleeping Dan (OC) Woke up ver.
●既刊のお知らせ● フェチを詰め込んだフルカラーイラスト本 「O'SERIES vol.01」 ec.toranoana.jp/joshi_r/ec/ite… 「O’SERIES vol.02」 ec.toranoana.jp/joshi_r/ec/ite… 現在どちらも在庫ありになってます📚✨
筋肉を褒めたら、服を脱いで見せてくれた I complimented him on his muscles and he took off his clothes to show me. (OC/Range)
裏垢 Secret account
Dan's Point of View(OC/Jim)
Dan's selfie
Bath time(OC/Jim)
I want to sleep with you.(OC/Jim) Underwear ver.
Resting inside a car "difference ver" (OC/Range)
青い槍兵 リメイク