Whatever you're going through, I don't think that's an excuse to treat someone like shit. I'm glad the members are always there for each other. I feel like punching that guy in the face. Seeing this makes me appreciate soshi bond even more. twitter.com/taengoonim_/st…
Five twitter headers for Taeyeon's birthday. Which one do you like more? #삼월내내태연생각 태연언니생일 #TimelessTaeyeonDay
into the new world and mr taxi taeyeon
missing this cutie
taeyeon for nolto today 🫠
same person, two different vibes.
taeyeon's photocards from heart live clip and soshi tamtam 💜
ive missed you taeyeon 🫠💜
snsd discussing how to do their greeting 😆
the members posted some pictures from soshi tamtam. we need you to post something too, taeyeon 🤧
taeyeon changed her hair color again? taeyeon's dedication as a hairstyle brand model ... 🥲
not only taeyeon has a premium face card, she also has the premium eyes card. like damn, those eyes are enchanting.
My biggest concern every week is whether Taeyeon get to eat or not during the snack game 😂😂😂 twitter.com/kimtaenos/stat…
cant wait for tonight
I made a little quiz to celebrate Taeyeon's birthday. Let's see if you can get above 39. Let me know what you get! 💜 #삼월내내태연생각 Happy Birthday Taeyeon #TimelessTaeyeonDay docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI…
who else miss taeyeon's snapchat posts
I can't with these two. They should be put in a show together again so we can see more of them flirting with each other. #TAEYEON #태연 #HEIZE #헤이즈 twitter.com/kimtaenos/stat…
it's gonna be so amazing if forever 1 mv is about 8 woman chasing their dreams with their own individual career path and come together as one, as girls' generation. because no matter where they go and what they do, snsd is their home. their country, their nation. 🥹
well boa and hyoyeon tried to give to taeyeon (maybe because she's the leader) but she was too quick and smoothly pass it to seulgi. taeyeon was like "nope" 😂😂😂
230204 Taengstagram 💜 #태연 #TAEYEON