taeyeon after got the beat recording last night 🫠
taeyeon really is loved by everyone around her. people who have worked with her really has nothing but nice things to say about her 🫠💜
taeyeon for melon yearly chart 2022
TAEYEON! got the beat stage preview 🔥
omg taeyeon! i really cant wait 🖤
taeyeon 🔥🔥🔥
this taeyeon for stamp on it opening ❤️‍🔥
taengoo so cute 🤭😆
taeyeon looks so good 🫠 as always
ohgod taeyeon looks so freaking good in that full outfit!
taeyeon is one fine specimen of a woman
taeyeon being a really supportive sunbae to aespa and winter imitating taeyeon's claps this is so cute 🫠
all taeyeon does is standing there while taking sips of water and she's already looking hot HOT
taeyeon and hyoyeon congratulating aespa and red velvet for their awards 💕 they look so proud and happy for them. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
she's so adorable 🥹
taeyeon is such an expert at making her fans feel some chaos of emotions
congrats taeyeon for winning bonsang! well deserved 💜
got the beat speech for winning bonsang award at sma today
taeyeon's speech for winning bonsang award 💜 congratulations taeyeon 🎉 very well deserved.
taeyeon congratulating boa while hugging that stuffed animal 😆 so cute!
taeyeon: "when i first met this song, i was so certain i wanted to share this song with my voice. thank you for believing in me." im so glad taeyeon fought for this song. invu is a masterpeiece.
taeyeon and hyoyeon opening 🔥 hyotae!
taeyeon is so hot damn
the way boa, hyoyeon and taeyeon passing the trophy to seulgi is so funny 😂 they are so unbothered. taeyeon didn't even look at the trophy and didn't bother to look back 😂😂😂 then seulgi tried to pass it to wendy but failed lmao