
🐰 "You are hope" But hope is Jhope? I'm your hope you're my hope I'm Jhope!
🐰 Is it okay for me to sing the lyrics?
[WEVERSE] 🐥 Happy birthday to our dongsaeng
🐰 When they were announcing the winner I looked at Yoongi hyung and he looked so nervous
when i say i miss hyyh i mean i wish i could erase all my memories of that era, songs, concepts, mvs, etc. just so i can experience it for the first time again
🐿 Those of you who need to sleep, please sleep~ I’ll go until 2am
🐹 I feel like I've gotten congratulations from lots of people so I'm very happy
🐰 Ah I'll have to upload that later. I'll have to upload the Run BTS guide
[WEVERSE] 🐹 Wow #1 for 5 weeks thank you so much Thanks to ARMY I'm having really interesting experiences! I love you
🐱 For 2 years I'd kind of forgotten, what kind of person am I, what things do I do?
🐿️ My nails? I didn't do them too extravagantly, I made it match my outfit
🐰 What's I love you in Spanish? Te quiero
🐰 The reason why the third time was the best, was that it was perfect. It was night so there were stars, clouds, the winds that you feel, scent? I don't know about scent, but the view... It was so pretty. I knew it was a dream too, like "Ah this is so pretty but it's a dream"
🐰 Right now I don't like showing things when I'm not confident in it, but I hope the day I'm good enough and have the confidence to show you my house dancing
🐰 There's probably many people who don't understand what I'm saying right now, but vlive will translate later. I know it must be frustrating now, but please understand~
🐰 Ah it's really fun, time goes fast when doing a live
[WEVERSE] 💜 I will work hard to be a better me 🐻 I’m also going to grow to be a better person and be someone who does pretty (/nice, good) things to ARMY, I’m only thinking about that my besties😁
🐨 "Please do an innisfree ad" no please I'll just do Indigo
🐿️ Right, how was More? The MV was so cool? That's a relief
🐰 "Smile again", this song. This song was really good
🐥 What should I do, we could eat a meal but I'm afraid I'll burp again, it's kind of a trauma from last time
🐨 It's weird watching ourselves from a minute ago (*theyre watching the live on a monitor and it has a time lag*)
[WEVERSE] 💜 Namjoonsseu… Please toss me just one good tip for TOEIC and go ㅠㅠ 🐨 Oh.. I think TOEIC is skill and training 🐨 If you just have perseverance you’ll be able to get a plenty high score
🐱 *About the concert and the clappers* Because of that, we had to have double the excitement so it was hard 🐻 Yeah we talked about that before going on the stage
🐿 We went on the news yesterday… the day before yesterday? And did interviews, started the challenge too and we’ll be watching those but we just wanted to share with you. You don’t need permission to have fun and dance