To those who have replied to my Mordred book's order tweet, the book will be ready on Feb 18th. Shipping starts from the next day. Until then, I will MESSAGE you personally with payment details. Please be sure to check your TWITTER MESSAGE during this time, it'd help me a lot.
To those who have ordered my Mordred book: I have sent payment details to everyone who replied to the order tweet. If you have not been able to made payment yet, it'd help me a lot if you could get it done by Feb 20 In case I have missed you somehow, please reply below.
To those who might have missed the purchase of my Mordred artbook I have about 20 books left ready to be mailed. If you would like to order a copy, send me a message. Price is ¥2150 (shipping already included) Better late than never !😆
To those who haven't been able to purchase my Mordred artbook At the moment all books are sold out but I've decided to do a small reprint. This order will last about 2 weeks. Price is ¥2150 (shipping already included) To order a copy, simply reply with "1" to this tweet 🙂
あなたのサークル「NEET ACADEMIA」は、コミックマーケット98で「日曜日西地区 "む " 27a」に配置されました! 受かってました😄
ブランド名読まず水着を試着したモードレッド #FGO #FateGO