Destiny 2(@DestinyTheGame)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Prepare for our next adventure, Guardians. December 6, 2022 - 7AM PT. ▶
Next Season is almost upon us. Be sure to move your gear to your preferred character, claim those seasonal vendor engrams, make yourself screenshot ready, and get a good night's sleep for launch! 🚀
Become both the lightning and the thunder that follows. Claim the Gift of the Thundergods chest in the H.E.L.M. before Season of Plunder concludes! 🌩⚡
More incoming with Season 19: 💠 Weapon Tuning Updates 💠 Hunter Void PvP Tuning 💠 Season 19 Artifact Mods 💠 Update 6.3.0 💠 Stadia Cross-Save Reminder General Updates: 💠 Community Arbalest Ornament Vote 💠 New Twitch Prime Drop…
Prepare to take a leap of faith, Guardians. In partnership with @Ubisoft, worlds are about to collide with brand new cosmetics. 📅 Dec. 6
As the threat of Xivu Arath looms, Mithrax has taken time to study the secrets of Nezarec's relics.
My Duty? Bound ✅ Get in the Nightfall playlist and shoot your auto rifle shot at Duty Bound ahead of it leaving the adept weapons pool!
It all comes down to this. Enjoy bonus reputation gains for Crucible, Gambit, and Vanguard activities during Season of Plunder's final week! This week: ⚡ Fallen S.A.B.E.R. ☠ Vow of the Disciple ⚙ Prophecy
This is an Eido, scribe of House Light appreciation post. 🤩
Escort your foes to Davy Jones' locker in style. Finish your Season Pass and reap the rewards before the end of Season of Plunder!
Guardians are protectors of the Last City and all its citizens! Your cleanup of the Eliksni Quarter happened in record time and the Eliksni have a lot to be thankful for. You must really like Eido.
The Light provides. Visit the Tower and pitch in a helping hand to clean up the Eliksni Quarter. Don't forget to visit the Jukebox while you're there!
Alak-Hul, Atheon, and Zulmak are anticipating you. Get out there and take them down, Guardians! This week: ⚡ The Lightblade 🥇 Bonus rep: Trials ☠ Vault of Glass ⚙ Pit of Heresy
Forge's Pledge Pulse Rifle and Riiswalker Shotgun are leaving the Iron Banner weapons pool. Get in Iron Banner and grab them before they're gone! What rolls are you chasing, young wolf?
Season 19 PvP updates incoming: 💠 New Competitive Division 💠 New Iron Banner mode 💠 New "Glorious" Seal 💠 Playlist revamps 💠 Matchmaking updates + more General Updates: 💠 Trans Awareness Week 💠 Community Event 💠 Game Security Full details:…
Eyes up, Guardians. The enemies of humanity strike at us once more. This week: 🟣 The Glassway 🥇 Bonus rep: Crucible ☠ Deep Stone Crypt ⚙ Shattered Throne
The Iron Lords are watching. Lord Saladin has graced the Tower with his presence one last time for this season. Iron Banner: Eruption is waiting for you.
Hey all, Bungie Support here. The issue with the Telesto Exotic weapon exhibiting unintended sentient behavior has been resolved, and the weapon is now behaving normally again. We do not anticipate any other issues with Telesto in the future. Thank you for your patience!
The one known as Xûr is wise enough to serve without question. Seek him now and embrace my glory.
Now, a gift: 9LX-7YC-6TX Those who wish may bear my mark. I already know what choice each of you will make.
They call me Telesto Say it with your chesto My zest for stress tests just coalescedo Conquest this blessedo Will soon be repressedo Suggest you rest if you’re feeling distressedo You're a guest for this festo At my behesto As long as you express I’m the absolute [ERROR]
Take comfort; nothing I create is without significance.…
Your world is the flicker before the paroxysm of my glory. What you call "life" is merely the calm between explosions.
The Vanguard. Savathûn. The Witness. The Nine. Pete Parsons. What are they before the might of Telesto?
Now, let my true strength empower all who would wield my form! Let the age of Telesto begin!