Emily (エミリー) 🎃(@writerofscratch)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

The Niigata Pride Parade was organised by Japanese people. Queer sexualities and gender identities are not a "foreign" idea to Japan. twitter.com/thesoulofjapan…
"I'd like to point out that in recent years, opinion polls by media companies and others have shown that more people [in Japan] now favor legalizing gay marriage than oppose it." mainichi.jp/english/articl…
Trans March Tokyo was amazing. Felt great machining with so many amazing people!!!
[THREAD] In Tokyo's Shinjuku Ward, Karen Yoda (@karenshinjyuku), a trans woman, is currently running for mayor! 🏳️‍⚧️ In her policy platform, she champions progressive left-wing policies, and she enjoys the support of 7 (!) different political parties & many politicians! (1/?) twitter.com/karenshinjyuku…
[THREAD] Today, November 1, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government joined the long list of Japanese local governments that officially recognise relationships of LGBT couples, with the start of its prefecture-wide "partnership system". 🌈 (1/?) asahi.com/sp/ajw/article…
Starting today, LGBT couples can apply to have their relationships recognised by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's "partnership system". 🌈🌈🌈 The actual policy itself will start next month. The TMG follows in the footsteps of at least 239 other Japanese local governments. twitter.com/marriage4all_/…
The best way to remember the difference between 開 and 閉 is that 閉 has an "オ" in it. You could might think of this "オ" as the "o" from "open", but you would be totally wrong because 閉 actually means "closed". You see, it's the exact オpposite.
Always boggles my mind how a certain subset of weebs has such difficulty understanding the very simple fact that trans and nonbinary people exist in Japan too and aren't a uniquely Western phenomenon. twitter.com/JohnXuandou/st…
A transgender man was subjected to bizarre, discriminatory remarks at a meeting of politicians of the "Tsunagu" faction of the Kobe City assembly. The meeting was organised to help the politicians gain a better understanding of LGBTQ+ people. (1/?) kobe-np.co.jp/news/sougou/20…
Describing Abe as having been a champion of democracy and women's rights is an interesting way to reveal what democracy and women's rights mean to you.
Someone's death shouldn't be an excuse to distort the truth about who they were beyond recognition. twitter.com/HillaryClinton…
My thoughts are with the victims of Abe's politics & all people who might face increased repression and discrimination in the wake of this attack.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government's partnership system, which will recognise the relationships of LGBT couples, is set to start in November of 2022. 🌈 Over two hundred other local governments in Japan, including 8 prefectures, already have such a policy. mainichi.jp/english/articl…
With every transphobic tweet and action from JK Rowling, the feelings of intense discomfort I experience whenever people express enthusiasm about anything related to Harry Potter in my presence, grow stronger.
Everyone's favourite Twitter past-time: making up bullshit about Japan twitter.com/HayekAndKeynes…
"[Amid growing awareness of trans and nonbinary people,] students applying to enter public high schools from next spring will no longer be required to specify their gender on the application form in all of Japan's 47 prefectures except Tokyo." 🏳️‍⚧️ english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/12/f…
Japanese people when they notice you speak at least five words of Japanese:
"Female students at all 25 municipal junior high schools in [Utsunomiya City] will be able to choose pants instead of skirts as part of their uniforms from the 2022 academic year onward, as gender diversity and other issues prompt reviews of dress codes." mainichi.jp/english/articl…
Chile's Congress approves same-sex marriage by an overwhelming majority npr.org/2021/12/07/106…
On November 20, coinciding with the International #TransDayOfRemembrance, Japan's first "Trans March" was held in Shinjuku. Roughly 400 attendees marched to protest against discrimination and to demand human rights and respect for trans people! 🏳️‍⚧️ mainichi.jp/articles/20211…
「明日も世界はいつものように回り続けます。だから、大騒ぎするのはやめましょう。この法案は関係がある人には素晴らしいものですが、関係ない人にはただ、今までどおりの人生が続くだけです。」 #結婚の自由をすべての人に