Through the EXO9 Union collaborative effort, international EXO fanbases are pooling funds for the inception of our advertisement project to enforce protection for CHEN and global K-Pop group, #EXO. 🅿️ PAYPAL.ME/WWEXOL48 📩 #엑소 @weareoneEXO
Please if you have any questions regarding this, kindly send us a DM so it is easier for us to help you. Thank you.…
EXO-Ls, are your gadgets and streaming passes ready to stream You (혼자)? Please make sure to get a korean music site streaming pass if you can and support #CHEN and Dynamic Duo tomorrow at 6PM KST. 💛 #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
EXO-L's this is an article about Dynamic Duo × Chen's upcoming collaboration on 23rd January ! Please LIKE the article, downvote the negative comments & leave supportive ones! 👇 🔗… #CHEN #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
[200122] HD | #CHEN Melon Music Awards 2017 Cr. ListenToChen We’re just a day away from 혼자’s release!! - dandelion 🌼 #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO @exoonearewe
[200122] Stone Music Entertainment Facebook update with #CHEN “다듀하면 여윽시 띵가사지ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 내일 오후 6시 신곡 발매까지 존버 간다•᎑ᵕ ๑ ▶01.23 6pm 다이나믹 듀오, 첸(CHEN) '혼자' Release” 🔗… - dandelion🌼 #JONGDAE #종대 #첸
We want to welcome @chen_indonesia, our newest member in For Chen Union, to our family! Please make sure to follow them and support their work. Thank you ❤
If you would like to contribute to the charting of 혼자 (Dynamic Duo and Chen's new collab) and other future Chen and EXO releases in Korean music sites, here's where you can get an account/streaming pass: Let's stream diligently!💛 #EXO #CHEN @weareoneEXO…
[200122] HD | #CHEN at EXO PLANET #5: EXplOration [dot] in Seoul © ListenToChen - mitten 🐈 #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO @exoonearewe
Thank you Italian EXO-L to show your support to…
[HASHTAG ANNOUNCEMENT] To celebrate the release of "혼자 (You)", a collab between Dynamic Duo and #CHEN, we will be using the following hashtags: #.혼자가_아니야_종대야 (You are not Alone Jongdae-ya) #.CHENxDynamicDuo_You Please do NOT use before 6 PM KST💛 @weareoneEXO
Reminder: You can post this banner in any sns platform that you want, it can also be posted on the lysn app. Let's spread positivity and let's support our #CHEN! 💛 Aren't you excited? #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
Hello! A friendly reminder for everyone, we all want this collaboration to be successful so we want to ask everyone's cooperation. Please use this hashtag later at exactly 6:00 PM KST 💛 #.혼자가_아니야_종대야 (You are not Alone Jongdae-ya) #.CHENxDynamicDuo_Yo @weareoneEXO
We have 3 hashtags for today, these are: #.혼자가_아니야_종대야 (You are not Alone Jongdae-ya) #.CHENxDynamicDuo_You #.혼자_듣기_아까운_첸다듀 “Chen Dynamic Duo which is a waste to listen to Alone/by yourself” Please save it now to your drafts 💛 @weareoneEXO Please spread!
[200123] STREAMING LINKS CHEN 첸 & DYNAMIC DUO 다이나믹 듀오 ['혼자’] 🎧Melon:… 🎧FLO: 🎧genie:… 🎧NAVER MUSIC:… #CHEN #첸#EXO#weareoneEXO #혼자
"All I want is you, all I want is you" Who do we all want? Answer + hashtags. #혼자가_아니야_종대야 #CHENxDynamicDuo_You #혼자_듣기_아까운_첸다듀 @weareoneEXO #CHEN
500 rt, 500 likes and 100 comments. Drop your streaming links. Game? Streaming links + hashtags.… #혼자가_아니야_종대야 #CHENxDynamicDuo_You #혼자_듣기_아까운_첸다듀 @weareoneEXO #CHEN
[200123] TRENDS | #CHENxDynamicDuo_You is trending #1 worldwide ❤❤❤ #혼자가_아니야_종대야 @weareoneEXO
[200123] MELON PLAYLIST CHEN 첸 & DYNAMIC DUO 다이나믹 듀오 ['혼자’] Please be guided about this melon playlist. Let's stream harder for our #CHEN 💛💛 #CHEN #첸#EXO@weareoneEXO #혼자
📊 Alone Chart Ranking 7pm KST Bugs #10 Naver #13 Genie #17 Melon #21 Soribada #69 #혼자가_아니야_종대야 #CHENxDynamicDuo_You #혼자_듣기_아까운_첸다듀 @weareoneEXO #CHEN
800 rt, 800 likes and 200 comments. Which streaming platforms are you using right now? Screenshot + hashtags. #혼자가_아니야_종대야 #CHENxDynamicDuo_You #혼자_듣기_아까운_첸다듀 @weareoneEXO #CHEN