Holywings lounge in Kemang, South Jakarta, will be closed until the pandemic is over after the public order agency suspended their permit for the entire duration of PPKM.
The venue had violated the pandemic protocols twice before, so Saturday’s breach was a third offense.
Jakarta areas Sudirman, Thamrin, SCBD, and Kemang will have crowd free nights from midnight to 4am every weekend. Local residents excepted.
The cops actually called it “crowd free night” in English, probably because it covers mostly South Jakarta.
Local commuters will no longer be required to use or present the dreaded employment registry paper (STRP) as of today, the Covid-19 Task Force announced today. PeduliLindungi will be omnibus app that everyone must use from now on for all domestic travel clearance and check ins.
New cases hit 7k again after three days going below
Cases: 4,140,634 (+7,201)
Recoveries: 3,864,848 (+14,159)
Deaths: 137,156(+683)
Active cases: 137,156 (-9,115)
Vax 1: 68,208,588 (+1,053,235)
Vax 2: 39,165,980 (+693,889)
Vax 3 figures will follow once they becomes available
At least 40 prisoners were killed when a fire broke out at the Tangerang prison at 1.45 am. Several more were hurt.
Back under 7k new cases today, deaths above 600, 1.5 million vax’d.
Cases: 4,147,365 (+6,731)
Recoveries: 3,876,760 (+11,912)
Deaths: 137,782 (+626)
Active cases: 132,823 (-5,807)
Vax 1: 69,194,539 (+985,951)
Vax 2: 39,721,571 (+555,591)
Vax 3: 737,337 (+10,748)
The KPI decided that pedophile convict Saiful Jamil can appear on TV after all but only for educational reasons. He’s still banned from appearing in entertainment shows. Apparently there was an internal debate that led to this decision. Educational purposes. Sure, educational.
1.7m jabs. 40 million Indonesians completely vaccinated. Death toll 334.
Cases: 4,153,355 (+5,990)
Recoveries: 3,887,410 (+10,650)
Deaths: 138,116 (+334)
Active cases: 127,829 (-4,994)
Vax 1: 70,322,560 (+1,128,021)
Vax 2: 40,362,820 (+641,249)
Vax 3: 746,268 (+8,931)
Apparently there’s been a website pretending to be pedulilindungi called pedulilindungia dot com which is now offline. It was pretending to be the official site but also offered a fake paid vaccination service. Don’t fall for these scams, folks.
Almost 1.4 million doses given, rate of new cases keep slowing down.
Cases: 4,158,731 (+5,376)
Recoveries: 3,901,766 (+14,356)
Deaths: 138,431 (+315)
Active cases: 118,534 (-9,295)
Vax 1: 71,175,259 (+852,699)
Vax 2: 40,867,993 (+505,173)
Vax 3: 755,434 (+9,166)
Just over 5k new cases. 1.7m jabs.
Cases: 4,163,732 (+5,001)
Recoveries: 3,909,352 (+7,586)
Deaths: 138,701 (+270)
Active cases: 115,679 (-2,855)
Vax 1: 72,248,720 (+1,073,461)
Vax 2: 41,534,340 (+666,347)
Vax 3: 775,725 (+20,291)
This is fun therecord.media/indonesian-int…
Active cases heading down to 100k probably will reach by Tuesday but low vax figures.
Cases: 4,167,511 (+3,779)
Recoveries: 3,918,753 (+9,401)
Deaths: 138,889 (+188)
Active cases: 109,869 (-5,810)
Vax 1: 72,766,195 (+517,475)
Vax 2: 41,734,734 (+200,394)
Vax 3: 778,830 (+3,105)
Active cases dropped below 100k for the first time in months.
Cases: 4,170,088 (+2,577)
Recoveries: 3,931,227 (+12,474)
Deaths: 139,165 (+276)
Active cases: 99,696 (-10,173)
Vax 1: 73,310,563 (+544,368)
Vax 2: 42,104,839 (+370,105)
Vax 3: 784,374 (+5,544)
We went from 56,757 confirmed cases on a single day on Jul 15 to 2,577 less than 2 months later.
PPKM works folks. Wear your mask, wash your hands, practice social distancing, stay home and don't do nothing stupid. Last thing you want is another wave and another lockdown.
Luhut said Bali has been downgraded to Level 3 PPKM. Several relaxation to PPKM rules: movie theaters can now open on Level 2 & 3 areas with 50% capacity and use of PeduliLindungi app. Some tightening as well. International travelers must now be fully vaxxed.
3,830 idiots had tried to enter malls, train stations and restaurants despite having testing positive for Covid-19 or come into close contact with a patient, Health minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin revealed during a parliamentary hearing yesterday.
People vaccinated overseas will now be able to integrate their vaccination data into PeduliLindungi by registering through this Health Ministry website. Meanwhile people without smartphones are still having a hard time accessing public facilities vaksinln.dto.kemkes.go.id
New cases back to 4k again.
Cases: 4,174,216 (+4,128)
Recoveries: 3,942,473 (+11,246)
Deaths: 139,415 (+250)
Active cases: 92,328 (-7,368)
Vax 1: 74,257,515 (+946,952)
Vax 2: 42,565,331 (+460,492)
Vax 3: 797,574 (+13,200)
Still recording over 200 deaths, vaccinations still below target of 2.5 million/day
Cases: 4,178,164 (+3,938)
Recoveries: 3,953,519 (+11,046)
Deaths: 139,682 (+267)
Active cases: 84,963 (-7,365)
Vax 1: 75,140,724 (+883,209)
Vax 2: 42,962,640 (+397,309)
Vax 3: 808,411 (+10,837)
Shang Chi. 22 September in Indonesia