The usual suspect, Kemang Raya, tonight twitter.com/sylvkartika/st…
We applaud CNN’s photo editor for the choice of header image in this article with a headline that says cops on Kanjuruhan stadium duty carried no weapons. Well played, good job. cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20221…
Never say K-pop fandoms don’t do anything useful. NCT fans raised Rp266 million with nine more days to go in their own fundraising effort kitabisa.com/campaign/nctfo…
The soldier who went viral for kicking a pitch invader has come forward and apologized to the victim and his family. Armed Forces Commander General Andhika Perkasa already vowed to prosecute him for his actions twitter.com/IndriNg8/statu…
Why are they recruiting people like this? They assaulted them, killed their parents and friends, and then they offer them to join up?
What is this behavior from the people in green and brown? twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
The cops deleted their fiction writing competition poster.
They seemed intent on washing their tarnished image by running a comp for journalists to write good things about them right after they caused a deadly stampede by firing tear gas at football fans on Saturday. twitter.com/hansdavidian/s…
“To fire tear gas into the stands when the gates are locked is likely to lead to nothing else other than the massive amounts of fatalities,” he said. “And that’s exactly what’s occurred.” washingtonpost.com/world/2022/10/…
TW // murder suicide
34 people including 22 children were killed when an ex cop entered a childcare center in Nong Bua Lamphu province in Thailand and started shooting. He also killed himself along with his wife and child cnn.com/2022/10/06/asi…
3 police officers and 3 football officials have been named suspects in connection with the football disaster in Malang. 2 officers gave the order to fire tear gas canisters at the spectator while one is aware of the FIFA regulation against its use but did nothing to prevent it.
Here we go again 😂😂 twitter.com/NLinIndonesia/…
Indonesia voted no on debating the Uyghur genocide at the UN Human Rights Council. Any guesses as to why?
We know why, we just want to know what you think. twitter.com/joshrogin/stat…
This dude now says the DV prank video he posted and later deleted was meant to be educational to show how the cops don’t act on prank reports after the whole country piled on on him. WHAT IS WONG WITH YOU??
FIFA President Gianni Infantino will visit Indonesia this month and the federation will set up a temporary office in the country to assist in reforming and rebuilding the domestic football landscape
Because PSSI have so far failed to do the hard work idntimes.com/news/indonesia…
Quake. Jakarta.
The police finally admitted that an unspecified batch of tear gas used by the mobile brigade team in charge of security at Kanjuruhan stadium had expired last year cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20221…
BREAKING | East Java Chief of Police Inspector General Nico Afinta has been removed from his post news.detik.com/berita/d-63405…
The police always be getting hacked. Anyone want to offer an internet security basics course to these poor victims? twitter.com/polrestamakota…
Narasi News team doing the Lord’s work. Stay tuned for the full report twitter.com/zenrs/status/1…
Malang netizens appears to have identified the voice of the woman pretending to be a dawet seller making a false statement regarding the tragic night at Kanjuruhan Stadium claiming that Aremania members were drunk, used drugs, and assaulted the police. Apparently she’s from PSI. twitter.com/AremaniaCultur…
Police said they found more than 40 unopened bottles of homebrew alcoholic drinks at the stadium, alluding to an intention to incite public unrest by certain spectators. Turns out they’re cattle medicine for foot and mouth disease.
What in the holy mother of frickin hell … 😐 twitter.com/NarasiNewsroom…