Nuice Media(@nuicemedia)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

BREAKING: President Jokowi said starting tomorrow until Aug 30, Jabodetabek, Bandung Raya, Surabaya Raya and other regencies and cities in Java and Bali can be downgraded from Level 4 to Level 3.
Jakarta, you’re in trouble. Covid bed occupancy rates West Jakarta: 50% Central Jakarta: 44% South Jakarta: 40% North Jakarta: 39% East Jakarta: 17%
Not even mad
The government has appointed actress Maudy Ayunda as a spokesperson for Indonesia's G20 presidency. It's March 31.... We wish it were April 1... But it's not...
Visinema Pictures have withdrawn talks with Trans7 TV station to distribute their movies Nussa and Keluarga Cemara after the station featured convicted pedophile Saiful Jamil as a guest star following his release from prison. Visinema CEO Angga Sasongko tweeted the announcement…
It’s not even a secret anymore that Megawati runs the legislative assembly, not the legislators.…
Rest In Peace, Dorce Gamalama
Country with most games on Steam from Sotheast Asia bans Steam. Good job.…
Thousands of people from Madura breached blockades at the Suramadu bridge and travelled to Surabaya to protest the city's move to require motorists using the bridge to take a mandatory antigen test amid rising Covid-19 cases in Bangkalan, Madura.
This video shows the accident that crushed that black Pajero wasn’t entirely the truck driver’s fault…
How do we manage what we don’t have? 🤔…
Following the tragic incident in Itaewon, Seoul, tonight, authorities held a press conference to announce the number of confirmed fatalities and injuries at this point. They’re still trying to determine what caused the crowd crush.
Indonesia has selected @bene_dion’s movie, Ngeri-ngeri Sedap, as the official submission for Oscar nomination for Best International Feature Film category. No feature film from Southeast Asia has ever made it past the Academy’s selection stage.
There are 27 more omicron cases in Indonesia over the weekend with arrivals from Malaysia, Kenya, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Malawi, Spain, England, Turkey, and Nigeria, including another Wisma Atlet worker, pushing the total to 46. We had one case a week ago.
CGK immigration officers detained an Iranian national who had with him 11 phones, multiple foreign SIM cards, three passports, two still valid, and Malaysian ex-cop ID cards. The man had entered Indonesia 30 times since 2012 but was only of interest since 2020. 🥸
Daily test target is 400k – 500k per day. We are testing 158k per day over the last seven days.
The Russian Embassy for Indonesia confirmed that Putin plans to attend the G20 summit in Bali as US and its Western allies are assessing whether Russia should remain in the group. The host country:
Banten, a province of 13 million, recorded 503 cases today while the rest of Java are in the thousands. What is their secret? Could it be their health agency's super informative IG account?
Batik Air hasn’t learned a thing since misplacing Ari Lasso’s suitcase…
Indonesian Education Minister Nadiem Makarim rejects the suggestion by Malaysia PM Ismail Sabri on making Bahasa Melayu an official ASEAN language. He leaves the door open for exploration but insists that Indonesian is in a better position.
President Jokowi: Emergency PPKM continues until August 2. • Traditional markets: open as usual. • Non essential market vendors: open until 3pm, 50% cap. • Small businesses: open until 9pm • Warungs and open air food vendors: open until 8pm, dine on site capped at 20 minutes.
When you claim to have data on 110 million people online saying they support postponing the general election but maybe, just maybe, you realized those were actually bot or cyber army accounts 😬
Tell us you have zero understanding of what personally identifiable information are and their importance without telling us…
Great line from Health Minister BGS in today’s opening remarks at the national conference on stunting reduction 😂😂😂…