Its clear that bbc is aware of our plans of boycotting bc they announced they’ll announce smth on dec 7 the day we demanded bbc to make a statement, If the members disliked this idea of boycott hyunjin would have expressed that but clearly she didnt want a comeback either
jinsoul looking grumpy holding chuu’s hand this was so cute like guys 😭😭😭
This is the funniest shit ever like gwsn stepping on heejin is so surreal 😭
Also for those worrying about “filling up their collection” i dont see why u’d be happy to have an album that represents bbc forcing the girls into a comeback in ur collection, i dont see how u can make good memories during the fansigns either when they are forced into it
No bc guys be serious.. judging by hyunjin’s reaction it really seems like this comeback is against their will so why support it
still think this is so unserious bc chuu’s joke was better but yves was just so unserious its funnier &:!;&;!…
I think its funny how everybody was semi-joking but yves was actually trying to be sentimental like thats so her 😭😭😭
took me a while to notice but i realized they were kissing chuu bc she has little mistletoes on her buns
btw.. jiin a old manager off loona that moved to 8D ent also an ex bbc employee, the same woman who filled in for jinsoul’s scene when she was gonna drown in that sitr scene has stated that she knows chuu is innocent, & for those who dont know she was also very close to loona
two things im gonna say: 1. If chuu really wasnt innocent hyunjin wouldnt be upset & the girls would have not filed an injuction 2. If chuu did talk back at a staff, yall need to consider the abuse bbc put upon all of loona & the difference of power dynamics here
i hope loona knows they have the world on their side
Chuu has been worried about saving loona for almost a year now.. but i hope she realizes that she really did, sometimes a form of saving someone isnt by directly doing it but by influencing them to stand up
bbc making loona’s concept revolve around women fighting back against oppression and then act shocked when loona fight back 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
This being one of my favorite pictures
pls respect choerry’s privacy & her time, she’s been more ia than usual since before the tour started & she came on like last week saying she’s just feeling unwell, pls dont bother her or pester her on fab to post dont make her feel bad, just send her kind words & no negative
fyi im serious now dont bark, the barking yesterday was started by lts and he was sexualizing the girls in the concert STOP BARKING. hyunjin said it would be better if yall screamed “into the unknown” anyways #LoonainLA_Day2 #LOONAinLA
this isnt the first time this happened where people undermine what choerry does, in kcon la so many people ESPECIALLY WHITE GAYS were complaining its not that serious she carried a pride flag for us, but now yall are making lesbiphobic jokes bc she carried a lesbian flag?
Lesson learned from day1: bring deodrant, dont litter, DONT CAMP, if somebody gives u a free mask TAKE IT BITCH
Most orbits im seeing that are getting high already are hyunjin & yves stans and it makes sense
….im sorry
international orbits.. please follow these guidelines and spread them around, respect loona & their privacy when they are abroad, if we watch you doing this we’ll report you to fancafe & u’ll get banned
“ Venue: Somewhere in Tokyo” 😭😭😭😭😭😭