Efrén Valenzuela 🟢(@EfrenVz)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Important announcement, I will #giveaway this equipment for February 14, Day of Love and Friendship. -RT + LIKE -FOLLOW ME -Why you? It is not a #Scholarship IT IS A COMPLETE TEAM FOR YOU GUYS 😍😍🥰 Tell me where are you from? #buildtogether
This will be the first one, when I reach 1500 followers. #axiegiveaway Remember it will be every 500 followers until 5000 followers then A COMPLETE TEAM.
Ok ok I will GIFT an AXIE MECH OR DUSK every 500 followers after hit 1000 followers just let me your Ronin wallet down below ⬇️ 🙏🙏 #Axiegiveaway RT+LIKE+TAG A FRIEND and of course let me know if you prefer a MECH OR DUSK. 5000 followers A complete Team #Giveaway
If I hit 2000 followers this week for sure I will give you 25% share profit! 😎🗽come on!! I will? #PEGAXYSCHOLARSHIP
!!!OMG!!! THIS WILL GONNA BE HUGE!! If I hit 1000 followers In two days I will gift a #PEGAXY read this good, I'M GIFTING A PEGAXY!! I WANT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE!! -RT -LIKE -FOLLOW -TAG 2 or more FRIENDS -PASTE YOUR WALLET -WHY YOU? TELL ME #PEGAXYSCHOLARSHIP #Giveaway #huge
Wow !Esto fue muy rápido! tengo más becas para #LATAM #PEGAXYSCHOLARSHIP ya son 12!!! 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎 -LIKE -RT -FOLLOW -ETIQUETA A 2 AMIGOS -Comenta con tu wallet -20% Share Profit El sorteo será el día viernes 04/02/2022 vía discord el mismo se dará ese día.