Hong Kong Watch(@hk_watch)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

"At 20 years old, Tony Chung is the youngest person to be sentenced under this draconian law. He will not be the last," @Johnny_HKWatch said. bbc.co.uk/news/world-asi…
The disappearance of Peng Shuai has once again thrown a spotlight on the CCP's systemic abuse of power. If this is how it treats a national icon; just think what it will do to democrats in HK. This is why @pritipatel must offer young people a lifeline. cityam.com/china-persecut…
MPs - led by @DamianGreen - seek to offer young Hong Kongers easier path to UK citizenship Thank you @niccijsmith for covering the stories of young Hong Kongers in need of a lifeline as Parliament prepares to vote on the #GreenAmendment telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202…
"The data released today by Hong Kong Watch found that 93% of more than 1,000 who had been tried by July this year were under the age of 25." This is why it is vital that MPs vote for @DamianGreen's amendment to the Borders Bill. | @heldavidson theguardian.com/world/2021/nov…
THREAD: The headlines of our new research out today. It is vital action is taken to help HK young people. MPs should support @DamianGreen's amendment. 1) 93% of the defendants who had faced anti-elab charges were born in or after 1997. 👉 hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2021…
Young Hongkongers drawn to UK under British National (Overseas) visa scheme. But those born after 1997 are excluded by virtue of an arbitrary cut-off point. @pritipatel can fix this by adopting @DamianGreen's amendment. thetimes.co.uk/article/young-…
There will be a rally hosted by Hongkongers on Monday 6 December 4-6pm outside of Parliament to support #GreenAmendment to #NationalityandBordersBill which will ensure young Hong Kongers access the #BNO scheme. Details on speakers to follow. Hope to see you there!
Nearly 30 Tory MPs are backing a rebel amendment to allow young Hong Kongers to come to Britain. The MPs, led by @DamianGreen are seeking to open up the British visa scheme to those aged 18 to 25, many of whom have been involved in pro-democracy protests. telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/12/0…
Free this Monday afternoon 4pm-6pm? There will be a rally hosted by Hongkongers outside of No.10 Downing Street in support #GreenAmendment to #NationalityandBordersBill which will ensure young Hong Kongers access the #BNO scheme. Details on speakers to follow. Hope you will join.
🚨🚨The Times reporting today that the Home Office are considering extending the Hong Kong visa scheme to young people. It's not clear yet what pathway will be on offer, but thank you @pritipatel for considering doing the right thing for Hong Kongers. thetimes.co.uk/article/hong-k…
"There is, however, one group of people who are not helped by the scheme, and yet are among those most vulnerable and in need of sanctuary: activists born after 1997." @benedictrogers for @unherd on why it is vital that @DamianGreen's amendment passes. unherd.com/2021/12/how-br…
Huge crowd outside No. 10 Downing Street for #BNO rally in support of the cross-party #GreenAmendment to the Nationality & Borders Bill. @pritipatel Thread.
Ahead of today's debate, this is why @DamianGreen's amendment must be adopted by @pritipatel, and existing routes like Youth Mobility Scheme are inadequate. THREAD 1/ Young people are the most vulnerable and desperately need sanctuary. unherd.com/2021/12/how-br…
THREAD: Parliament is debating the @DamianGreen BNO Amendment. His full speech and other key speeches in this thread. "My new clause aims to provide greater protection for the brave young people in Hong Kong who are fighting oppression." 1/x
UPDATE AFTER MINISTERS' STATEMENT: Despite briefing @thetimes that they were considering offering young HKers a pathway to citizenship, it is deeply disappointing that the Govt did not take the opportunity that the Green Amendment presented to give under 25s access to BNO. 1/2 twitter.com/hk_watch/statu…
The Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai and seven other pro-democracy activists have been sentenced to up to 14 months in prison for organising, taking part in and inciting participation in a vigil last year for victims of the Tiananmen Square massacre. theguardian.com/world/2021/dec…
HKW launches #Releasemycandidate campaign to mark the Legislative Council elections
🎄Handwritten Christmas Greetings to Hongkongers from Benedict Rogers, Hong Kong Watch CEO
Please support Hong Kong Watch #ReleaseMyCandidate campaign. We call for the release of the 47 pro-democracy activists and candidates.
Statement on today's LegCo election —— Hong Kong's sham elections discredited by absence of opposition
“These elections are a total sham. Earlier this year, the National Security police rounded up the entire pro-democracy camp and placed them under arrest for national security crimes, making meaningful opposition illegal," said @Johnny_HKWatch aljazeera.com/news/2021/12/1…
Foreign Secretaries of UK, Canada, US and Australia issue a joint statement on the Hong Kong elections "Many of the city’s opposition politicians – most notably the majority of the “NSL 47” - remain in prison pending trial, with others in exile overseas." gov.uk/government/new…
Our CEO Benedict Rogers @benedictrogers talked about the sham LegCo election and its record low turnout on Euronews this morning.
The #HKAutonomyAct Report to Congress —Foreign Financial institutions that knowingly conduct significant transactions with the 5 PRC officials listed in today’s report are subject to sanctions. state.gov/hong-kong-auto…