
“I got carried so hard.” #YaminoArt #Yaminow Video:…
My soul is still stuck in Valorant collab #YaminoArt #DrawLuca
Happy birthday Alban! We shot a sussy short video to send love to you🥰 Please enjoy it🧡🧡🧡 アルバーン最高!! #AlbanBirthday2022
Taichou should never miss this day. Happy booba day🫡 #NationalBoobaDay #Briskart
I believe in Shu Gamino supremacy 🔫🔫🔫 #YaminoArt (in Valorant Reyna outfit)
pure baby energy. #drawluca
I lost myself witnessing this human guitar playing moment 🤟🎸 Our alien boi's truly built different #Wrestlesanji2023 #RenZottoArt #Akurylic
Just imagining Sonny got his hair cut and pick the other three up...🥲🥲🥲🥲 #Briskart (drawn with photo reference)
Still can't get rid of this thought so I made the assets of Captain Negi... #Sonnsets #Briskart…
Might be NIJICANTDRIVE ,but how about NIJICANRIDE🏍? #YaminoArt (Motorcycle has reference photo)
“Bye bye. My people need me.” He ascended… #RenZottoArt
Enna reproduced debut line from Noctyx which was so accurate…
Commander Sammy Brisko from VSF #Briskart
「神——速!!!」📣🥁🎷 神速高校応援団長のアルバーン #AlbanKnoxArt #にじさんじアルプススタンド
Happy Birthdeyy Shu!!!!! Sorry I'm late but still want to say thank you. Your stream gives me so much joy. I'll Always support and love you🥰 #YaminoArt #Birthdeyy2022
Luca Kaneshiro: 牡羊座♈️ 澳洲人🇦🇺 Sonny Brisko: 牡羊座♈️ 澳洲人🇦🇺 Ren Zotto: 牡羊座♈️ 澳洲人🇦🇺 Nijisanji? What are you planning for?
剛才視訊看診用診所的line掛號,然後診所窗口回我這個…… 幹幹幹我忘記我頭貼放的是鞋了幹 幹社死怎麼會這麼剛好遇到有香蕉在的診所🫠🫠🫠🫠
大慈大悲佛光普照普渡眾生龍愛世人瑟連大明神🙏🙏🙏🙏 #Tatsulaugh
(大概翻) 👟:我理解大家的憂心,不過睡覺時間很怪這件事只是我的個人習慣,我是大人了,不用擔心。 在我的觀點,叫直播主去睡覺近似於叫他停止直播。我一向不喜歡叫一個人不要做什麼事。 我覺得我的聊天室很好,只是想提一下。
I’m in PAIN🥲 I don’t want to choose… (⚠️It’s NOT a REAL battle at all, just me referring this to a scene that only exists in my head)
啊,順道說一下 繪師的圖太美被盜,從頭到尾都是盜圖的人不對 繪師有沒有上浮水印都是他的自由 「沒上浮水印,難怪被盜」和「上浮水印是不重視、破壞自己的作品」是我聽過最滑坡的言論了 有人的家被偷,不是因為門不上鎖的錯。有人的家裝了醜醜的鐵窗,也不代表他不在乎自己家的外觀 錯的人只有盜圖仔
(個人心得) 其實甫出道時期我還不大能get到Yugo的定位,應該說是我對於他的人設有點找不到讓自己進入狀況的切入點,以及剛開始我有跟到的幾個直播中他的口條跟節奏我有點無法適應,所以就比較少補他的台。直到後來N第一次連動,我開始從其他人的角度來發現他的不同面向+