H.E. Justin Sun 孙宇晨(@justinsuntron)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

凉兮象征了我们币圈越挫越勇的精神,代表了我们币圈人“可以被打败,但不能被打垮”的意志,对于今天在熊市中坚持梦想具有独特意义。孙哥火币梦想基金,特此奖励凉兮50000美元在火币合约继续翻本,如果梭哈赔了算我们,赚了随机抽取一名转发本推特的人打10000U @liangxied @HuobiGlobal
最近FTX所引发资产安全忧虑令人揪心,我本人与团队,见到事态发展至此,心情是极为沉重的。我们经过慎重思考决定,火币与波场愿永久1:1刚性承兑所有FTX平台内波场系代币 #TRX, #BTT, #JST, #SUN, #HT。成功挽救10000用户随机抽取一名转发者打10000U @trondao @HuobiGlobal huobi.com/support/zh-cn/…
今天是孙哥入职火币第三十天。这个月,过得跌宕起伏,币圈一月,人间一年。个人评价,功过各半,给自己打个60分。表个态,我本月就不领工资了,把我的工资拿出来做活动,搞了个余币宝,火币无风险无锁仓无上限U利率到3%-10% ,突破10亿U随机抽取一名转发本推特的人打10000U huobi.com/support/zh-cn/…
Further to my announcement to stand behind all Tron token (#TRX, #BTT, #JST, #SUN, #HT) holders on #FTX, we are putting together a solution together with #FTX to initiate a pathway forward. @FTX_Official
(1/12)6 months ago, I was lucky enough to win the auction of Blue Origin’s first launch! Today, I announce that I’m launching the "Sea of Stars" campaign, which will select 5 warriors to explore space with me in 2022! @blueorigin @clubforfuture! Details: seaofstars.tron.network
Funding rate of shorting #TRX on @binance is over 100% APR. It seems that TRX is the next target after LUNA. @trondaoreserve will deploy 2 billion USD to fight them.
.@UBS's bid for @CreditSuisse falls short. I would like to propose my own offer of $1.5 billion to acquire Credit Suisse and integrate it into the Web3.0 world. Switzerland has been one of the most crypto-friendly countries in the world.
The number of #USDT holders on #TRON was 5,687,621 a year ago. Now the number is 15,371,854. 3x growth in one year. @paoloardoino @Tether_to
Others used to have to worry about me with their wives - now all eyes are on @VitalikButerin - if I had a girlfriend, I would be very worried too! 🤣 twitter.com/LilMoonLambo/s…
I’m officially blocked by @AaveAave since someone sent 0.1 eth randomly from @TornadoCash to me. @StaniKulechov
🙌Incredible launchpad exclusively on @apenftorg. Don’t miss out if you are a music #NFTs fan. I can’t wait to see who’s the next superstar!😜 twitter.com/apenftorg/stat…
🙌Wonderful time at #Token2049! Thanks to all the panelists for their insights! Great connections! 💪#TRON’s ecosystem is blooming! But we still have a lot to learn from the traditional financial industry on our way to achieving our ambitious goal. The future is bright! twitter.com/trondao/status…
💪I also look forward to the future cooperation between #TRON and Korean game🎨, art, blockchain, and other industries in 🌐Web3.0. 🥳Welcome everyone step into the #Metaverse Era with #TRON! twitter.com/justinsuntron/…
💪I always remember the moment of thinking of creating, #TRON, a new smart contract platform based on PoS to be more efficient than #ETH. 😉Here are some original inspirations for #TRON! Check out this interview with Blockchain.com during the #ATB youtube.com/watch?v=YwBNBs…
🙌The Submission for #TRON Grand Hackathon 2022 Season 3 opens soon with total of six tracks and $1,200,000 prize pool. 🥰Can’t wait to see the stellar projects from you! Good luck! 📍Apply at: TRONDAO.org twitter.com/trondao/status…
重仓国人Web3,TRON义不容辞! twitter.com/sunyuchentron/…
We have echoed @nayibbukele's voice and purchased 500 #BTC with average price 31031.35 for $15,515,675. #Bitcoin twitter.com/nayibbukele/st…
So happy to have lunch with @cz_binance today during #G20BaliSummit! We discussed about the current market volatility and agreed on it is extremely important to unite and build in tough times and get through it together!💪 #G20Indonesia #RecoverTogetherRecoverStronger
👏The first #PoloniexEARN is online! 8% APY for#USDTT & limited supply of 5M only.:gem: Congrats to @Poloniex! 🔥Subscription: 14:00, Sep 26, 2022 (UTC) twitter.com/Poloniex/statu…
🤩I will have a #Livestream with TikTok Influencer Ma Yilong @mayilong0 to talk about the journey of #TRON, ecosystem development, and space travel.🚀 🌟Join us and leave your thoughts! 📅Nov 4th, 20:00 (SGT) 📍Twitter Space📍YouTube📍#Huobi Live twitter.com/sunyuchentron/…
💪I will share some highlights of #TRON’s evolving mission in the Web3🌐industry.🚀 🗓️Friday, September 23rd ⏰11:15am KST / 7:15pm PT / 10:15pm ET See you there! 😉 twitter.com/trondao/status…
#TRX trading on @FTX_Official has resumed. Working on withdrawal function. Stay tuned.