221106 chenle fansign
talking about plan to cover solo!
💚 up until now, most of your covers were duet. do u have any plan to do cover by yourself?
🐱 i dont really want to do cover that much. if i want to release smth, i want to release song that i wrote and composed
221106 chenle fansign
op recommended enola holmes to chenle and told chenle that it’s sherlock holmes’ lil sister. chenle went 😳 and said “then isnt she the smartest out of 3? is it different with sherlock series?” at the end he said he’ll take a look!
221106 chenle fansign
op and chenle talking about transit love ㅋㅋ
op asked has chenle seen the picture of nayeon heedoo (nayeon were visiting heedoo for his hockey competition) and chenle said “of course i saw~” 😂 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
221106 chenle fansign
op showed meme words for chenle to read
🐱 *reads* “becoming chenle’s dog is also one’s attitude”
🐱 nonono you cant say you’ll be someone’s dog. you have to live like yourself! you cant be “someone’s dog”. you cant do that
221106 chenle fansign
chenle taking selfie with op ~ even corrected op’s angle so it’ll look better 🥺
221106 chenle fansign
💚 i have this korean words i dont understand. please read it out (its shanghai dialect with hangul writing)
🐱 *read with small voice* it feels like its a some kind of joke. i dont want to read it
💚 just read it~
221106 chenle fansign
op & chenle talking about transit love.
op said op fell in love with hyungyu-haeeun couple then chenle’s reaction 😂
chenle also said he saw the heedoo-nayeon hockey pic already
op and chenle is like 2 cute besties gossiping 😂
221106 chenle fansign
(another fs round with ottoke ringtone op)
🐱 *heard ringtone* 😅
💚 why? you didnt turn off the sound right?
🐱 no, i heard it
💚 isnt it cute? everyone says its cute
🐱 *shakes head* …..
*chenle won and he’s freaking happy 😂*
💚 you did it late, didnt u???
🐱 i didnt do it late. i’ll say with a touch of conscience. i put it out accordingly to the screen. its just there’s a delay. alright, ask lailai! *switch the screen to lailai*
221106 chenle fansign
chenle couldnt recognize op
💚 we met in london
🐱 when?
💚 i gave yogurt drink in london and u also sent bbl
🐱 you were the one who gave it???? 😳
💚 thats right. im the one who gave it
🐱 oh~ but that yogurt was really good
💚 its good right!
221106 chenle fansign
op asked abt ways to get along with dogs. chenle said he knows what daegal is thinking from her actions & expressions. he said daegal is like human. example: when chenle lying in bed & woke daegal when she’s sleeping, she said like “u go away” with her eyes
221106 chenle fansign
chenle’s face seeing himself doing balloon heart back in 2019 😭😂
221106 chenle fansign
💚 hi wifey~ good afternoon~
🐱 wh- what? who’s good afternoon?
💚 why? u want me to call u again one more time? u sure? 😈
🐱 who are u saying good afternoon to?
💚 wifey hahahhaha
🐱 😒 i’ll cover this (cam) up 😈
💚 sorry~ look at my cat 🐈
221106 chenle fansign
🐱 *shakes head* i really dont understand the world of you youngster people
💚 wdym young people, im older than you, u know!
🐱 *quick shift* i really dont understand the world of you oldies people 😹
221106 chenle fansign
🐱 in the end u chose him and didnt choose me! *sulks* im hanging up! im not talking to u *pretends to go*
💚 no, originally the order was you first but those side’s fs were faster. yours was slower
💚 do a challenge, if u failed do 3 sets aegyo
🐱 im not doing it
💚 why
🐱 you chose jaemin over me. im not doing it ~.~
💚 try it first *follow finger trick in 5 secs*
🐱 *does it* that was so easy
💚 but all my friends couldnt do it. its u who’s good
221106 chenle fansign
💚 pls look at who do i got for the album pc. i made a bet with my friends, if u didnt come out, i hv to buy meals for them
🐱 then u hv to buy meals for your friends
💚 who is it?
🐱 mark
💚 fine. then doodle on it
—cont twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
chenle bbl! twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
chenle bbl! he said since daegal always wait for him at home, he bought daegal a carpet! for her to wait for him 🥺
daegal’s carpet 🥺 twitter.com/chenleours/sta…
221107 gma pre-recording #chenle
chenle wear a 3 piece suit! with a vest! 😍