chenle has a supportive bestfriend😍
look at how jisung tried to bring out chenle's competitiveness and kind of cheer him up, by helping him creating an imaginary basketball competition where chenle scored 99 while his opponent got 101 and it worked!😭
translate this post from pann because it's always interesting to see how #Chenle can change someone's heart with his performance/ voice🥺
I hope op can enjoy the life of falling in love with chenle just like all littlesuns in the world🥰
someone said chenle's done a perfect kansai dialect for his bye my first dialogue (愛って…何なんやろ) even from a native's prespective it is perfect. as expected from language genius chenle🥺
chenle knows how to thank others and acknowledge their hardworks. when he's doing his ments for 2 days he's never failed to talk and thank the staffs, the members and fans
even if he was having a hard time himself. all he did was to make people know that
zhong chenle gemesin banget ga sih😭
anak dream ga ada yang tau jumlah lagu di album winter mereka. chenle juga ngga, tapi dia coba ngitung😂 pas ditegur renjun, anaknya langsung munggungin kamera biar judul lagu tetap aman😭
jisung ketawa dan renjun meluk chenle karna gemes😭
listening to a kfan's space where she said she's entered the fandom at the early of 2019. it took her a month to watch all dream's past videos (interview, vlive, etc)
but like she wanted to watch a new face of dream and thought dream will make a comeback. but then there's no cb😭
gemes banget😭
ini anak dream lagi sesi fotbar terus mereka bilangnya bukan: 123, cekrek!
tapi 123, chenle~~~~~◠‿◠
chenle always making sure to surprised me everytime like is his voice even real??😭
this is the level of nct dream's vocal identity and main vocalist. always improving, always surprising us with his skills😍🔥
pann post where op said they became lilsuns after watching chenle theraphy videos😭
my most favorite chenle theraphy if anyone wants to know what it is or type 천러 테라피 for more videos😍
#chenle : he's so tall and handsome as hell~
fansign chenle pas kecil
yg datang kebanyakan fanboynya lele😭
mama lili ditengah-tengah chenle lagi tandatangan fotonya komen: "inget ga yg dibilang guru jin waktu itu? karakter le (乐)nya ga bagus nulisnya"
terus fanboy lele pada belain lele😂😭
chenle's the only member who constantly mentioning haechan's hardwork for 2 units
cmiiw i think it was since we go up era. whenever cl was asked to say some words to hc, the first thing he did was praising hc for his hardwork with 2 units
he's so sweet🥺
in the past, when chenle as one of dream main vocalists only got a little part to sing. i'd think positively like "oh he's going to carry their chorus live" or "bet it's going to be iconic"
but in candy:
has most lines✅
carried the chorus live✅
fake maknae chenle 🐥
chenji gemes banget😭😭😭
🐱dah mulai gatal🥲
🐹mau gue (bantu) garukin?
🐱oke! coba garuk
karna kena listrik statis, jisung akhirnya bantu dengan nepokin chenle😭
the secret behind nct dream bsides with the highest digital index point in circle digital chart : get chenle in top 2 for the most lines
chenle been known as nct dream's vocal identity. so songs where chenle get most parts = going to be the most loved songs
but sm never learns twitter.com/7dreamstreamin…
a pann post from a fan of another group. op becomes a dreamzen because of #Chenle's vocal color🥺
as expected from our main vocalist chenle😭
isn't it crazy to think that if it wasn't because of chenle, we wouldn't get to hear songs like graduation??
like hell that word is like a curse word! something we don't want to hear or discuss ever again
but they chose it so that we can get over the trauma of seeing the word😭