【天官赐福】DONGHUALIAN Countdown D3! Our precious tsun boy, Fu Yao✨✨ #天官赐福 #扶摇 #FuYao #TGCF
DONGHUALIAN COUNTDOWN DAY 4! Nan Feng is here! #天官赐福 #NanFeng #南风
DONGHUALIAN COUNTDOWN D5! Please have this precious BanYue today💗 #半月 #天官赐福 #HeavenOfficialsBlessing #TGCF #TianGuanCiFu #BanYue
Good Morning🌸🌸 Today is Oct 24th and the Pre Order of 2ha Calendar is open today! make sure you grab it on time❤️ @2haCalendar Here is my little preview of my contribution 🌸❤️💖 Have a trio disciples and the RanWan 💖 #2ha #TheHuskyandHisWhiteCatShizun
Good Morning!!!!!!! Due to my health and mental issues I can't reply to your all bday wishes proper well *sobs* Please forgive me, but I read your all wishes and I'm so happy about that, that really has a lot means for me. Thank you again for the birthday wishes once again #TGCF
【天官赐福】 191th [ ----neither sensed nor reacted to anything of the outside world,---] #天官赐福 #谢怜 #TGCF --------- only small colored sketch, because i missed him😔
【天官赐福】 感谢4千关注者!✨✨✨✨🌼🌼🌼✨✨✨✨ #天官赐福 #谢怜 #TGCF
yesterday is a tough day for me, and gladly some friends are willing to listen to me, hope everything will be fine for the future. please have a peaceful of Gege #天官赐福 #谢怜 #TGCF #XieLian
【天官赐福】 妖道双师之一: 芳心国师 #天官赐福 #HeavenOfficialsBlessing #TGCF #TianGuanCiFu #芳心 #FangXin ---- Re-upload because I just re-reading the novel now, and its written on the 45th chapter about his mask color.
#誰か優しい人が拡散してくれてフォロワーさんが増えるらしい 今まで私を支えてくれた人に本当にありがとう, これからもよろしくお願いします。
【ヴァンガー】櫂くぅぅぅん!!お誕生日おめでとう!!アイチといつも幸せになりますように 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ #櫂誕2020 #櫂トシキ生誕祭2020
[WIP] Will continue later, heat strikes me out here aaahh..... so hot.... -- DO NOT REPOST WIP btw wwww #TGCF
The standee concept #TGCF
#faceyourart #faceyourart2020 #facexielianart wwww I want to draw him more and more from now
【櫂アイ】 櫂「素敵だぞ、アイチ」 ----- Cardfight!!Vanguard Happy 10th Anniversary!!!