#Inktober entry #15: Ryo Akiyama (秋山 遼), Cyberdramon (サイバードラモン), Monodramon (モノドラモン) and ZeedMillenniummon (ズィードミレニアモン)! #Digimon #デジモン #Inktober2019 #legend
Neo Saiba (彩羽 ネオ) and Metal Greymon (Virus) (メタルグレイモン(ウィルス種)) from the manga #Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 (デジモンアドベンチャーVテイマー01)! 🐳 #デジモン #Vテイマー
Airdramon (エアドラモン) and Betamon (ベタモン)! 🐳 Colored by @darudado! #Digimon #デジモン
Chaosdramon (カオスドラモン) and Mamemon (マメモン)!🐳 Highly inspired by the awesome works of @lv00level!😌 #Digimon #デジモン #ペンデュラムプログレスVER.1.0
Breath of Wyvern! 🐳 Dynasmon (デュナスモン), one of the Royal Knights! #Digimon #DigitalMonster #デジモン
Overflowing Negative Data! DoneDevimon (ダンデビモン) materializes! 🐳 This drawing is inspired by the works of Hugh Rookwood! #Digimon #デジモン #DigitalMonster
GraceNovamon (グレイスノヴァモン), a mythical Galaxy #Digimon said to have once been born from the fusion of two Olympos XII members! 🐳 Congratulations to @ZaSouru for winning this drawing. 🧐 #デジモン #DigitalMonster
#Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01: "Journey" chapter! 🐳 #デジモン #DigitalMonster
Dynasmon (デュナスモン), awaken once again! 🔥 Breath of Wyvern transforms the energy throughout its body into a gigantic wyvern aura! #NoCropArt #Digimon #デジモン #DigitalMonster
A #Digimon birthday gift for a dear person! 🐳 #デジモン #DigitalMonster
Commission 18 completed! 🐳 A custom #Digimon Card Game sleeve, featuring Slayerdramon (スレイヤードラモン), requested by @TCGnosuke! #デジモン #DigitalMonster
Gammamon (ガンマモン)! 🐳 From the upcoming #Digimon Ghost Game anime! #デジモン #DigitalMonster
Veemon (ブイモン, V-mon)! 🐳 #Digimon #デジモン #DigitalMonster
Remake of an old drawing: "Legends". 🐳 Ryo Akiyama (秋山 遼) and Cyberdramon (サイバードラモン)! Feel free to sustain my future works/colored versions via Ko-fi: 🔗 ko-fi.com/barlume #デジモン #Digimon #DigitalMonster
Ryo Akiyama (秋山 遼) ー the Legendary Tamer & Cyberdramon (サイバードラモン), now with colors! 🐳 #デジモン #Digimon #DigitalMonster
Kuramon (クラモン)! 🐳 A gift for an important friend! #デジモン #Digimon #DigitalMonster
Commission 31 completed! 🐳 Gammamon (ガンマモン), Terriermon (テリアモン), V-mon (ブイモン) and our #Digimon Tamer, @thatguychris93! #デジモン #DigitalMonster
Commission 32 completed! 🐳 Lunamon (ルナモン)! #デジモン #DigitalMonster #Digimon
Gankoomon X (ガンクゥモン X抗体); a #Digimon gift for a buroza! 🐳 #デジモン #DigitalMonster
Megadramon (メガドラモン)! 🐳 #デジモン #Digimon #DigitalMonster
Kimeramon (キメラモン) Definitive Edition™! 🐳 #デジモン #Digimon #DigitalMonster
You thought it was over? The #Digimon Emperor would like to have a word with you. 🧐 #デジモン #DigitalMonster