
Best wishes for 2023💙🧡❤️💛💜 #Akurylic #MystArt #Ikenography #YaminoArt #drawluca
The pretty boy by the window💜🌻 ※ High School Student parody #PsyBorg #Violisko #suuki
I keep waiting for the day when Vox and Ike can play horror games while holding hands in a friendly manner……🙏🌼 #FulGallery #VioletAtelier #Ikenography #Akurylic
Up to 5 minutes per person at a time⏰ shift system💜😉 #PsyBorg #Violisko #suuki #bonnki
He has a dog, apparently🦮🔮 #PsyBorg
I Love [NIJIEN DATING SHOW]☺️💜 ※ High School Parody! #VioletAtelier #RenZottoArt #DrawKyo #Akurylic #AlbanKnoxArt
I don't know the onomatopoeic words for rudding boobs in English😉💦 #drawluca #briskart #VioletAtelier
To stroke the hair of a cat or other animal as you like is called "mofuru" in Japanese❤️💙🐈 #Ikeakuma #voxike
I have recently been referring to Sonny in my mind as “the protagonist of the gal game“😉💦 #briskart #VioletAtelier #AlbanKnoxArt
You've seen too much😡💫 #Ikeakuma #voxike
High School Student Parody① ❤️Vox & Ike💙 #Akurylic #Ikenography
Happy POGday🎉🍰 💛LUCA💛 #LucaPOGDay2023 #drawluca
It's a school parody comic!❤️💙 学パロ❤️💙です! (日本語&English)(1/2) #ikeakuma #voxike
High School Student Parody② 💛Luca & Shu💜 #YaminoArt #drawluca
🔮🌌「……」 #Dropsights #VioletAtelier
2023.1.20🦊🎈🎉 #MystArt #MystaDay2023