
[ S33K Spoiler ⚠️] Do not qrt with official hashtags Key’s life! His section is my fav section so i’ll share a lot 🫣
MC: “Look! There are lots of fans supporting Minho! On the 2nd and 3rd floor!” Jinki: “Ahhh I am jealouss.”
SHINee scarf is so pretty!
Mc: “what did h do today?” Jinki: “I had musical! After the musical ended, I called right here right away!”
Jonghyun is such a genius tbh it is literally just a list of their new songs but it sounds like a song of the year
“Everyone, good afternoon it’s SHINee’s Minho. Next week, I finally can meet you all after 3 years! I am very nervous. How about you? This fanmeet, I prepare cool stages and there might be special guest! See you next week! It’s been SHINee’s Minho” twitter.com/shinetter/stat…
[ S33K Spoiler ⚠️] Do not qrt with official hashtags Jinki with his foods 🤧
Behind The Scene Jinki for S33K vol.19 part 2
[ S33K Spoiler ⚠️] Do not qrt with official hashtags Kibum fav restaurants 🥺
[ S33K Spoiler ⚠️] Do not qrt with official hashtags Kibum recipes! Oil Pasta, Porchetta, and Pickle Salad!💓
MC: “Do you have any places u wanna go by myself?” Minho: “Not by myself!” Mc: “Ah! That’s a no!” Minho: “With anyone..even members. Hmm, there is Disneyland..”
Guess who met eaJ at pik avenue before concert 🥲🫰🏻 I didn’t approached him because I was scared I was wrong and scared I’ll disturb him (apologize for taking pict from a far though,,) Thank you for such lit performance tonight at #HITCJAKARTA @eaJPark🥲
Minho in cute voice: “thank you for the call onew-san~~”
Hold you is such an underrated song tbh
Behind The Scene Jinki for S33K vol.19 part 3
The mc said Minho will have a netflix drama, please look forward to it. MC: “You have finished the shooting right?” Minho: “I have finished the shooting! It was a long one but it was fun. When it comes out, please watch it a lot!”
They are talking about Minkey ILA and tsutsumi san was like “key-kun is very funny isnt he” and minho was like “mm yesss” 🤣
Kibum: “SHINee have a lot of memories in Osaka Jo Hall so let’s meet in Osaka Jo Hall again okay?”