マロミチャン🐶cmms close(@maromi_ika)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

日本のオタクに知って欲しい、西洋のオタクスラング「Proship」という単語の意味と「Proshipper」という概念 note.com/maromi_ika/n/n…
Fallguys中の感情4選です #Fallguys
Fall guys 感動しちゃった… #Fallguys
Fall guys ゴール前でこっち向いてるやついるだけでもう嫌な予感する #Fallguys
Fall guys このゲームはじめてからたぶん50年分の「さわんな」言った #Fallguys
Fall guys シーソー中に思うこと #Fallguys
Fall guys ぐるぐるファイト #Fallguys
Fall guys ヒヤヒヤロード #Fallguys
I hate to have to tell you this story, but I have decided that I need to explain it in English because some people keep harassing me and my followers It is very long and in English using a translator, so some of the intent may not be understood, but please be sure to read it all
マッドマックス 怒りのデスロード #ゼルダの伝説 #TearsOfTheKingdom #コログ
cutbu's alphabet comic #OMORI #OMORIFANART
CSM cosplay✨
The story of Mari coming to visit HERO's house on Halloween👻(1/2)
IceCream Princess Mari🏰🍨💜 #OMORI #OMORIFANART
Name it #WheelchairMariAu Mari, who is in a wheelchair, has no memory at the time of the accident as to why she fell down the stairs Sunny has been unable to speak since shortly after the accident Their secret is still unresolved #OmoriAu #OmoriFanArt
Please understand that if I, as a Japanese, do the same thing as you English-speaking people, I will be treated as a freak who cannot distinguish between reality and fantasy.
#OMORI #OMORIFANART HappyBirthday Sunny...
Pokémon cosplay✨
Happy HEROMARI Valentine's Day❗️💙💜🍫 #OMORI #OMORIFANART
Hello to all the new followers. This is all I have to say🍳🧺