Dr. S. Jaishankar(@DrSJaishankar)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

2. Approval of Central Sector ‘Broadcasting Infrastructure and Network Development (BIND)’ Scheme. Will enable upgradation of facilities; widen its reach and provide high quality content to the viewers.
Felicitations to my colleague FM @simoncoveney and the Government & people of Ireland on St. Patrick’s Day. Deeply value our longstanding and multi-faceted relationship.
Visited Regional Passport Office and Office of Protector of Emigrants, Bengaluru. Took feedback from public present there of our services. Appreciate the positive attitude and efficient delivery. @rpobengaluru
Just concluded a productive 7th India-Indonesia Joint Commission Meeting with FM Retno Marsudi. Reviewed entire gamut of our ties in our Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with focus on political, defense & security,economic and trade,S&T and space,connectivity and p2p ties.
A warm and wide ranging conversation with FM @NanaiaMahuta of New Zealand this evening. Discussion covered our expanding ties that is being reflected in increased frequency of our contacts.
A useful conversation on the evolving regional situation with FM Sirojiddin Muhriddin of Tajikistan. Our long-standing cooperation encourages us to have open exchange of views.
Congratulations to FM Eamon Courtenay and the Government and people of Belize on their Independence Day. Value our cordial relationship and our development partnership.
Thank Iranian FM @Amirabdolahian for his ‘get well soon’ call. Will continue our conversation during his upcoming India visit .
Began engagements in Maputo by meeting with President of Assembly of the Republic, Esperança Bias. Conveyed the greetings of Lok Sabha Speaker @ombirlakota.
गुयाना के विदेश मंत्री ह्यूग हिल्टन टॉड के साथ गर्मजोशी भरी मुलाकात। हमारी पारंपरिक मित्रता को आगे बढ़ाने पर चर्चा की। ऊर्जा, डिजिटल, स्वास्थ्य और लोगों से लोगों के जुड़ने के विषय में बात की। twitter.com/DrSJaishankar/…
A broad ranging conversation yesterday night with @SecBlinken . Covered current bilateral issues, Indo-Pacific and pressing global matters. Also exchanged New Year greetings.
Greetings to FM Lejeune Mbella Mbella and the Government and people of Cameroon on their National Day. Our friendly and cordial ties will keep strengthening.
आज शाम भूटान के विदेश मंत्री टांडी दोरजी से अच्छी मुलाकात रही। रायसीना डायलॉग में उनकी सक्रिय भागीदारी देखकर प्रसन्नता हुई। उनकी उपस्थिति ने हमें अपनी अद्वितीय साझेदारी पर चर्चा करने का अवसर दिया। twitter.com/DrSJaishankar/…
Called UAE FM @ABZayed to express my personal condolences on the passing away of late President HH Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. We agreed that taking forward our strategic partnership would be the best tribute to him.
Greetings to FM @AngueSimeon and the Government and people of Equatorial Guinea on the 54th Anniversary of their Independence. Our close ties and development partnership continues to strengthen.
Honoured to attend the Award Cremony of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Student Scholarship conferred by PM Sheikh Hasina. The relationship between our two countries are in many ways a continuation of the bonds that were forged in blood, fifty years ago.
Began the morning in Guyana by meeting FM Albert Ramdin of Suriname. Recalled President @CSantokhi ’s visit for the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas this January which has further deepened our age old ties.
Delighted to speak to French Foreign Minister @JY_LeDrian today. We recognized that our achievements of 2021 are a strong foundation for 2022. The presidency of EU that France occupies adds an important dimension to our strategic relationship.
Glad to meet DPM and Finance Minister @LawrenceWongST in Singapore A good discussion on taking our bilateral partnership to the next level. Also exchanged views on the global poltical and economic situation.
भगवान महावीर स्वामी के पावन जन्म कल्याणक दिवस पर आप सभी को हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं। समाज की उन्नति हेतु उनके आदर्श सदैव हमारा मार्गदर्शन करते रहेंगे | Warm greetings on the auspicious occasion of #MahavirJayanti.
Greetings to FM Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah and the Government and people of Liberia on their National Day.
53வது துக்ளக் ஆண்டு விழாவில் பேசுவதில் பெரும் மகிழ்ச்சி. திரு. குருமூர்த்தி அவர்கள் என்னை இந்த விழாவிற்கு அழைத்ததற்கு எனது மனமார்ந்த நன்றிகள். உலகிற்கு இந்தியாவின் தேவை குறித்த 10 காரணங்களை இந்த நிகழ்ச்சியில் பேசியுள்ளேன். twitter.com/DrSJaishankar/…
2. Policy on long term leasing of Railway Land for implementing PM Gati Shakti framework: Will lead to more revenue and employment generation.
Good to meet PM @AbiyAhmedAli and DPM and FM @DemekeHasen during my stopover. Appreciated their warm sentiment towards India and their good words for our bilateral partnership.
A lively interaction with the Indian diaspora from the United Kingdom. Discussed Modi Government’s Easier to do Business; Ease of Living and Migration and Mobility initiatives. Confident that the Living Bridge will promote a stronger India-UK partnership.