summer is you ⛅️(@tmeo_8_)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

“180219 The8” will be forever recorded as one of Minghao’s best iconic airport outfit 🥺❤️
Coups is the only one in white bcs he gave his coat to Minghao later🥺
I feel you gurllll 😭😭😭~~~ “you’re fxxking cute babiii” ©️ UrVioleta_ #OdeToYouInManila #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #徐明浩 #디에잇 #서명호 #THE8 #minghao #ディエイト #ミンハオ #gyuhao
LeT gEt It B-bOy (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
A baby carats asked whether Wonhao couple name is “Chopsticks bro”😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 (it sounds weird for a pairing name) The fact is C-carats often call them “Chopsticks” bcs Wonhao both have straight, thin legs 👬 💅🏻
200204 Anan Interview - The8 JPN>CHN + scan by 阿噜帕咔 #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #徐明浩 #디에잇 #서명호 #THE8 #ミンハオ
Minghao indeed cares himself well by wearing TWO masks🥺🥺
This person has not stopped yet 😂😂OK HAO SIT IN THE MIDDLE SO IS THAT HIS HOUSE?😱😱😱
Goshhhh I just see an acc post a tons of Hao’s childhood pics that have never been public before😂😂 ©️铜锣烧爱吃多啦A梦
200123 #OdeToYouInSeattle A 💎 wanted to take Minghao in selfie mode but didn’t find that the camera didn’t turn around. Then Minghao did that gesture. He smiled at 💎 ‘s expression 🥺 #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #The8 #디에잇 #徐明浩 #서명호 ©️nili崔
How to get notice of Xu Minghao🖖🏻
IT HAPPENED AGAIN!! Minghao throw confetti to fans and then show his innocent face😠 ©️ 一只意难平的丸子 #OdeToYouinLA #seventeeninla
FINALLY!!!! Huya🤝Pledis😱😱😱❤️ We gonna see SVT stream Esports soon😭😭😭 Wonwoo and Seungcheol are shakinggggg
Chan : miss yoooou the8~~ Boo:😫 We miss you coups too😫 Hoshi: where is the8?~~ Dokyeom: He’s in hotel😂 BSS the trio mood maker❤️ #GetWellSoonThe8 #getwellsoonminghao #odetoyouinhou #seventeen ©️ 美好的十七天
“We miss you The8” 🥺🥺🥺 (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)…
I hope you can feel our love even we’re so far away now ❤️😭 #GetWellSoonThe8 #GetWellSoonMinghao #GetWellSoonThe8 #GetWellSoonMinghao #GetWellSoonThe8 #GetWellSoonMinghao
Minghao trys to hide his sickness by covering face when coughing 🙂
Carat: you’re cuteeee🥺 Minghao:
OH MY GOSH Minghao looks exhausted 😫😫 He always hide his tiredness I hate himmmmm. Go back n rest well 😭 #odetoyouinnj ©️ 八万亩棉花地
😜gyuhao fam are fed well
“My mic is on” #odetoyouinnj
It’s Minghao’s runway!!!!!!!
Wooow!! THE8Bar ranked 22 in charity activities for fanclub. Absolutely dedicated and hardworking ❤️
I'm: ⚪️ gay ⚪️ straight ⚪️ bisexual 🔘 SOFT FOR “MYUNGHO” FROM SEOKMIN😭💗
Mingyu-ssi, 80% of your content related to Hao🤡