TOMORROW: Department of Homeland Security Whistleblower Aaron Stevenson (@called_out_DHS) Reveals Shocking NEW Details About Known Terrorists Illegally Entering the United States
Stay Tuned…
“Project Veritas published leaked audio revealing mandatory CDC guidelines on transgender ideology in the state of New Mexico. This is the LGBTQIA training session sent to Project Veritas by a teacher in Albuquerque.” independentsentinel.com/leak-cdc-uses-…
LEAKED AUDIO: Insider Exposes Mandatory @CDCgov Guidelines on Transgender Ideology in @ABQschools
in New Mexico
Teacher: Let’s say Michael wants to be called Michelle now, but there isn’t a gender support plan or a gender support conversation and they now wanna use the girls… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
MUST SEE: Placer County Community Shows Up En Masse to School Board Meeting in Reaction to The Landing Spot Investigation by Project Veritas
"I am very thankful, that a second time, Project Veritas has come out to Placer County to shed light in very dark places they're trying to… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
BREAKING UPDATE: @GPSDistrict Asst. Principal Jeremy Boland has officially submitted his letter of resignation
Boland has been on administrative leave since this video was released last fall
Confidential @pfizer Documents Reveal Pharmaceutical Giant Had ‘Evidence’ Suggesting ‘Increased Risk of Myocarditis’ Following COVID-19 Vaccinations in Early 2022
"An undercover video recently released by Project Veritas shows NY teachers and administrators conspiring to push children into accepting transgenderism, alternative sexual orientations, and “antiracist” beliefs,.." thejewishvoice.com/2023/03/teache…
“Yesterday it came out that there is a @tiktok_us employee named Bruce Sapp who’s a Content Manager admitting that this[TikTok] algorithm is actually very good for China, the one that’s been distributed in the United States…” - @benshapiro
For everyone who says:
"Nothing ever happens."
"This doesn't matter."
"No one is ever held accountable."
This was the scene last night at the @emeadowschools board meeting.
And accountability is a beautiful thing.
What is the relationship between @tiktok_us and the @FBI?
BREAKING: @tiktok_us Employee Reveals Application’s Algorithm Is Beneficial to China; Says DC Team ‘Work[s] Directly With The FBI’ To Find ‘Locations’ in Effort to Take Down ‘Wanted Criminals’ Like ‘Andrew Tate @Cobratate’
“A Lot of The Coding Sh*t…Very Beneficial to China…”… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
California Groomer Reverend Hits CRITICAL MASS!
Project Veritas delivers again!
TUCKER: Is there anything we don’t know? Are you accused of an actual crime?
@mikeaglover1: So the way it works is, I was labeled a Militia Violent Extremist Organization. Thank God organizations like Project Veritas exist. They leaked this information[FBI Militia Violent… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
BREAKING: Placer Union High School District BANS The Landing Spot and @rev_tinnin Following Veritas Investigation Into Sexualized Grooming of Minors
“PUHSD does not condone the message shared in the video. As a result, starting immediately, neither The Landing Spot nor their… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
BREAKING: Manhasset School School Security Guard Assaults Project Veritas Reporter Asking Superintendent Don Gately Questions About @EdCampLI Covert DEI Indoctrination Practices
Are kids really “coming out at younger and younger ages” or are they being groomed into believing they are something they are not?
.@RJUHSD sent out a letter today CONDEMNING “Queerly Faithful Pastor" @rev_tinnin and stated that they have contacted local law enforcement as result of this video.
IMPACT: Roseville Joint Union High School District CONDEMNS "Queerly Faithful Pastor" Reverend Casey Martinez-Tinnin And Contacts Local Authorities After His Exposure by Veritas
“Given statements by Pastor Tinnin in the video, along with other related concerns, RJUHSD staff has… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Last week, Project Veritas released CONFIDENTIAL @pfizer documents confirming that the Pharma Giant had ‘evidence’ of the ‘increased risk of myocarditis’ following COVID-19 vaccinations in early 2022.
But that wasn't the first bombshell we broke on the topic.
Never forget that… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Project Veritas is going to keep exposing Groomers like @rev_tinnin
Send us tips/leads at VeritasTips@protonmail.com or on Signal 914-653-3110
ICYMI: Groomer Reverend @rev_tinnin Says it is ‘Critical’ to Discuss Sexual Identity & Gender with Children at a Young Age; Admits Calling Child Protective Services on Parents Who Misgender Their Children
Groomer Reverend @rev_tinnin Says it is ‘Critical’ to Discuss Sexual Identity & Gender with Children at a Young Age; Admits Calling Child Protective Services on Parents Who Misgender Their Children
Thou shalt not groom kids