Lucas with the huya mascot 🥺
200101 © O!What Weibo Update for Chengdu Fansigning. LUCAS: On January 12, 2020, we will hold our fansigning event in Chengdu!
they all started laughing because of the laser eyes 😭
200501 [INSTA POST lucas_xx444]: 🔗…
200906 SuperM THE STAGE Behind The Scenes|Tiger Inside “Yo~ SuperM! Hello, SuperM arrived at The Stage. I enjoyed today a lot because we were able to show a cool ’Tiger’ for fans. I liked it a lot!” 🔗… #LUCAS #黄旭熙 #루카스 #SUPERM
Lucas Cam 😝
200111 WayV Shanghai Fansign Lucas complained to staff, “You should’ve reminded me! Why don't you remind me😭” because he forgot to give photocard to a fan and asked the staff to find which fan did not get them and send them one by one. 🤣😂 OP: 酸汤牛杂
200112 © hxxdxpm 📍Chengdu Fansign
It's out! The first WayV album is out now!! Don't forget to stream the album, Lumis! 💛♥️😍 分享专辑 威神V《Awaken The World - The 1st Album》音乐
© xuxikaka444
200610 [INSTA POST lucas_xx444]: 🔗…
200111 © WonderLucas 📍 Shanghai Fansign
Xiaojun’s comment on Lucas’ post: XJ: “No, did you photoshopped the fourth pic?” (Because Lucas looks so tall there) LC: “I don't belong to this world😂😜”
[INFO] WayV’s new reality show “WayVision” which features all 7 members will air twice a week on Monday’s and Tuesday’s at 6PM KST. The show will be available through the Seezn app in Korea and TrueID in Thailand. First broadcast on September 21st. 🔗…
lumis! click the links below to clear lucas’ searches 💛 - lucas keep running… - lucas vlog… - lucas ace… - lucas surfing… #LUCAS #黄旭熙 #루카스
effortlessly handsome © 只吃年糕的swag潮仔
Happy Lucas 😸
reply to this tweet with your favourite screenshot from lucas’ teaser, remember to include the hashtag #SuperM_LUCAS ❤️❤️❤️
200117 [INSTA POST lucas_xx444]: “💚Happy WayV Day❤️” 🔗…
201101 djxiao_888 Instagram Update “Why’re we so cool?” 🔗… #LUCAS #黄旭熙 #루카스    #NCT2020 #NCT #NCTU