LC: Baekhyun is older than me but he‘s so cute 🥰 BH: Yaaaa! BH: Go quick, quick! BH: Quicker, Quicker! K: Too quick, too quick!
200825 lucas_xx444 Instagram Update “💋🥰” 🔗… #LUCAS #黄旭熙 #루카스 #WAYV #威神V
191231 | WayV’s performance Take Off. 📍 Zhejiang TV New Year’s Eve Party So 让他们猎奇有人无须羽翼 rock your world.
210425 #LUCAS Preview 🐝 © 港仔博览馆丨黄旭熙Lucas
We are so proud of you 💖
191228 © HKExpoHall
ONLY ONE HOUR LEFT TO GO! To celebrate WayV’s awaited comeback we hope you can tag your tweets with/ # MoonwalkWithWayV Lets trend #1 Worldwide again and show our excitement! ❗PLEASE only use the hashtag when the music video is released and tag @WayV_official in your tweets❗️
This Tweet from @archivelucas has been withheld in response to a report from the copyright holder. Learn more.
200130 ©️ kaigommibear 📍 SuperM Concert San Diego
op was having sound issues with wechat and they couldn’t hear him so the call got pushed back but then lucas couldn’t hear or see op during the third attempt so he started whistling and acting cute 😭 © hiluluxx
Giant baby 😽
This Tweet from @archivelucas has been withheld in response to a report from the copyright holder. Learn more.
200925 SuperM 슈퍼엠 ‘One (Monster & Infinity)’ MV (Lucas Cut) 🔗 #LUCAS #黄旭熙 #루카스 #SUPERM  #SuperM_SuperOne
201022 MnetMcountdown Twitter Update #LUCAS #黄旭熙 #루카스 #NCT2020 #NCT #NCTU
191231 © 我吃饱啦 📍 Zhejiang TV New Year’s Eve Party He’s just a baby!
Yangyang joined Lucas’ Instagram live only to discover later that their mics are clashing and the WiFi is bad. 😂
201016 MnetMcountdown Twitter Update #LUCAS #黄旭熙 #루카스    #NCT2020 #NCT
200212 [INSTA STORY lucas_xx444]: “Bye bye LA I’ll be back” 🔗…
200112 © 多喝一口白开水 📍 Chengdu Fansigning Bang! 🔫
200902 Beyond the Vision Behind Cut #LUCAS #黄旭熙 #루카스 #WAYV #威神V
200104 LUCAS IG Live TRANS: Have you guys eaten ? Hahaha 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪