201109 lucas_xx444 Instagram Update “Let’s get it 7:00pm seezn live” 🔗 instagram.com/tv/CHXT_1ZIzTE… #LUCAS #黄旭熙 #루카스 #WAYV #威神V
200922 lucas_xx444 Instagram Update “I’m here TEN !!😂😂😂😂😂” 🔗 instagram.com/p/CFZ0pxPhnQF/ #LUCAS #黄旭熙 #루카스 #WAYV #威神V
200113 [INSTA POST lucas_xx444]: “🎈Enjoy your life❤️🎈” 🔗instagram.com/p/B7Qtp1VBzKM/…
his smile 🥺 © LionetPaws·黄旭熙
Lucas said he’ll do another live again tonight 🥰🥰🥰🥰
210302 lucas_xx444 Instagram Update #LUCAS #黄旭熙 #루카스 #WAYV #威神V
200301 [INSTA POST lucas_xx444]: 🔗instagram.com/p/B9L_EBlh818/…
200110 © 糖熙酱 Lucas photocard from O!What x LabelV for Shanghai fansigning! 🥰
200111 © Jaemris 📍 Shanghai Fansigning
Keep Running S9 (ENG) ☀️ thread of all FULL episodes from KR’s official YouTube channel ☀️ updates weekly as soon as they’re available! ☀️ for new eps ENG subs should be available within a week after it was uploaded on their YT happy watching lumis 🦁💛 #LUCAS #黄旭熙 #루카스
Kai: dance, dance, dance, dance! Lucas: *automatically dances for kai*
200923 The Ellen Show SuperM ‘One (Monster & Infinity)’(Lucas Cut) 🔗 ellentube.com/video/superm-p… #LUCAS #黄旭熙 #루카스 #SUPERM
we, as fans, cant say for sure how lc felt receiving those comments from the cast. what we do know is what we saw, which was the cast pointing out that the nickname had implications regarding skin color, so the immediate association to lc made it colorist. it’s as simple as that
honestly loving these edits
191228 ©️ flechazo 📍 Shenzhen Fanmeeting
they’re just the cutest boys 😭😭😭
190710 ©️ hxxdxpm_cas
200111 © 没见过这么有内涵的 📍 Shanghai Fansigning
190731 ©️ LunarVision