200211 [INSTA POST lucas_xx444]: “🏀🏀yo LA” 🔗…
200209 © sparklyshua 📍SuperM Q&A Event in Mexico.
@superm Lucas king of twerking and friendship we love you
have a lovely day my sunshine ☀️
LC: I have to get up now, I have to eat, so see you next time! bye, be careful not to catch a cold, bye bye! him using body language to say ‘i love you’ at the end 🥺😍 we don’t deserve him he’s so precious
Lucas did a quick insta live because it’s been such a long time since he did one. he also said that he misses us and wants to see us asap 🥺🥺❤️❤️
wwyd if you’re in the club and you see these three in the corner breaking it down like this
there’s absolutely nothing better in this world than hearing Lucas be showered with complements 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Lucas switching languages mid sentence he’s so talented 😚
WHY ARE THEY SO CHAOTIC! Lucas, ten and taemin /attempting/ to hug each other 🤣
ten fuelling the lucas is a puppy agenda 🐶 wayv family!
lucas talking about his friendship with taemin 😭 he was a little scared of him at first but they’re so close now
The exploding beauty of Lucas Wong.
200205 [INSTA POST lucas_xx444]: 🔗…
LUCAS: I love you 🙆🏻‍♂️♥️
191123 ©️ 月光航线·黄旭熙 📍Wuhan Fanmeeting
191228 ©️ flechazo 📍 Shenzhen Fanmeeting
191228 ©️ flechazo 📍 Shenzhen Fanmeeting
200128 Lucas x Sketchers 鼠年快乐 from Lucas ❤️🧧
Lucas letting out his inner Shawol 😆 he chose ‘Replay’ as his song for SuperM’s playlist of their lives!
200125 Zhejiang TV Spring Festival Gala Handsome birthday boy 🥺❤️