2021 WayV Seasons Greetings Lucas Photocard © iiiiiie_1 #LUCAS #黄旭熙 #루카스 #WAYV #威神V
2021 WayV Seasons Greetings Lucas Scans © meanttobeWayV #LUCAS #黄旭熙 #루카스 #WAYV #威神V
"You are always in my heart" ❤️
Lucas doesn‘t feel confident about his cooking so he chose food delivery 🥺
201225 WayV Stand By Me Special Video (LUCAS Cut) 🔗 youtu.be/u-E8pJC6RlU #LUCAS #黄旭熙 #루카스 #WAYV #威神V
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Eve 🎄
Stretching is important guys
Hi everyone~
I‘m about to raise the roof!
201218 KBS Gayo Daechukje NCT U, NCT 2020 - Class + Misfit, RESONANCE (Lucas Cut) #LUCAS   #黄旭熙   #루카스   #NCT2020   #威神V #WAYV
201218 KBS Gayo Daechukje Photowall So handsome 😻😻😻 #LUCAS   #黄旭熙   #루카스   #NCT2020   #威神V #WAYV
201218 KBS Gayo Daechukje Photowall #LUCAS  #黄旭熙  #루카스  #NCT2020  #威神V #WAYV
[PRESS] 201218 NCT at KBS Gayo Daechukje (Lucas Cut) 🔗 youtu.be/ujvPblNTBe4 #LUCAS #黄旭熙 #루카스   #NCT2020 #NCT #WAYV
Trio shoot!
Lucas, Winwin and Doyoung taking a picture together ❤️
201216 djxiao_888 Instagram Update “M and L size. 😂” 🔗 instagram.com/p/CI14x5ogq6G/… #LUCAS  #黄旭熙  #루카스  #NCT2020  #威神V #WAYV