Fate/Grand Order USA(@FateGO_USA)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

A Gift of 15 Saint Quartz to All Masters! Thank you for tuning in to the show! To commemorate the occasion, we'll be distributing a total of 15 Saint Quartz to all Masters! Distribution Date: 2021-12-01 20:00 - 12-08 19:59 PST
The "Lostbelt No.2: The Eternal Icy Fire Century, Götterdämmerung - The Good Fellow of Everlasting Flame Pre-Release Campaign" begins tonight! #FateGOUSA Take advantage of this time to clear Part 2 Chapter 1 and Part 1! For more information, visit fate-go.us/news/?category…
As of April 25, a whole 1400 days will have passed since the Grand Order was issued. It's all thanks to your support that we made it this far, Masters. To celebrate, we've prepared a special present! Be sure to log in during the campaign period to claim your gift! #FateGOUSA
The anime short “Fate/Grand Order -MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOM-” will begin streaming December 31st, 2019 at 00:00 PST on @Funimation Now, @Crunchyroll! #FateGOUSA For more information, visit anime.fate-go.us/mllr/
The 5th Anniversary Guaranteed Summon (Debut Year) is here! Masters can choose one of five Guaranteed Summons to perform! One Limited Time ★5 (SSR) Servant and one ★4 (SR) or higher Servant are guaranteed in this 11x Summon! #FateGOUSA Info ➡️ fate-go.us/news/?category…
Close out July with Vol. 7 of Chaldea Breakroom! This month features an exclusive look at Sessyoin Kiara (Moon Cancer) with WADARCO and an interview with Riyo! #ChaldeaBreakroom, an exclusive look at Servants and interviews with the staff behind Fate/Grand Order! #FateGOUSA
Counterfeit Mona Lisas are flooding Chaldea! "Revival: Da Vinci and the 7 Counterfeit Heroic Spirits - Lite" begins Jaunary 10th, 2020! #FateGOUSA For more information, visit fate-go.us/davinci7_reviv… youtube.com/watch?v=SJlOtb…
Celebrate FGO's 6th Anniversary with #ChaldeaBreakroom Vol.18 Japanese edition! #ChaldeaBreakroom 日本語版Vol.18では英語版FGOリリース6周年を記念した奈須きのこ&武内崇の独占インタビューも掲載! 特設サイトでは過去の配信分も確認いただけます。 ➡️ fate-go.us/chaldeabreakro… #FateGOUSA
More Fate/Grand Order (English) 3rd Anniversary news is coming soon! Get ready with the official 3rd Anniversary website! #FateGOUSAfate-go.us/3rd_anniversar…
[From Chaldea PR Dep't] Thank you for 100,000 follows on Twitter! To celebrate, we have a gift of 10 Saint Quartz to all Masters! For information about eligibility, please see the linked article. #FateGOUSA fate-go.us/news/?category…
As of September 6, a whole 1900 days will have passed since the Grand Order was issued and we'd like to celebrate with a special gift of 10 Saint Quartz! Be sure to log in during the campaign period to claim your gift! For more info, visit fate-go.us/news/?category… #FateGOUSA
To celebrate Fate/Grand Order USA Tour at Anime Weekend Atlanta, we will be giving out 10 Saint Quarts to all Masters! #FateGOUSA #FGOUSAT
The 10 Million Downloads Campaign has begun! Celebrate this milestone with "Hunting Quest: Part 4," a Commemorative Login Bonus, 2x Chance of Super & Great Success, and more! #FateGOUSA For more information, visit fate-go.us/news/?category…
A forced Rayshift takes you to late 19th-century Europe. The Limited Time Event "An Old Spider Spins Webs of Memory" begins March 8th! Enjoy the story in the Main Quest, with new sections unlocked on a daily schedule. Seek the end of a story engraved with regrets! #FateGOUSA
Part 2 Chapter 5 "Lostbelt No.5: Ancient Ocean of the Dreadnought Gods, Atlantis - The Day to Bring Down Gods" is almost here! A new story unfolds in a highly developed civilization! More info ➡️ fate-go.us/atlantis/ #FateGOUSA
Limited Time Event The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present is coming soon! A mysterious phenomenon has caused all of the presents handed out inside Chaldea to turn black and refuse to open. For more information, visit fate-go.us/christmas2022 #FateGOUSA
Aniplex+ presents the Mash Kyrielight and Altria Pendragon "under the same sky" 1/7 Scale Figures! Based on original illustrations by Takashi Takeuchi, both figures are stunning from every angle! Pre-order today to add them to your collection! store.aniplexusa.com/fgo/
The limited time event “Great Void Sea Battle, Imaginary Scramble - To the Surface, Nautilus!” is almost here! Our heroes suddenly run into trouble while doing “Void Space Submarine” training onboard the Nautilus. #FateGOUSA For more information, visit fate-go.us/imaginaryscram…
Are you ready to celebrate Fate/Grand Order (English)'s 5th Anniversary?! #FateGOU5A Tune in to AX Lite at 3PM for the 5th Anniversary Celebration and if you're at AX, Entertainment Hall #E-14 will host Second Section Director KANOU YOSHIKI at 1PM! #FateGOUSA
#ICYMI: "Lostbelt No.5: Interstellar Mountainous City, Olympus - The Day to Bring Down Gods" will be released March 2022! #FateGOUSA
Happy 2nd Birthday, Fate/Grand Order! To express our gratitude, we'll be distributing a special login bonus of 30 Saint Quartz. Be sure to log in between 2019-06-24 21:00 - 06-25 23:59 PDT to receive the presents! More info ➡️ fate-go.us/news/?category…
It's time to blast off to the Limited Time Event "SABER WARS 2 - To the Beginning of Space"! Get your space suit on and embark on an unprecedented adventure! #FateGOUSA For more information, visit fate-go.us/saberwars2/
Happy Halloween! We’re proud to announce our winners of the Fate/Grand Order Pumpkin Carving Contest 2019! Craftsmanship – Pumpkin Farming Grinding Hell Creativity – Excalibur Love of Fate – Salty Halloween Party Double Trouble Edition #FateGOUSA
It’s Chaldea Breakroom Vol.15, Japanese edition! 今回は刑部姫をフィーチャー!またネロ・クラウディウス〔ブライド〕などのキャラクターデザインを務めるワダアルコさんの独占インタビューを掲載! #ChaldeaBreakroom ではサーヴァント特集&独占インタビューを配信! #FateGOUSA
Bond level 10! It's "Even More Learning with Manga! Fate/Grand Order"! #FateGOUSA You can read "Even More Learning with Manga! Fate/Grand Order" Episode 27 online at fate-go.us/manga_fgo3 !