@SolomonYue 俞先生終於上了光榮榜。 Solomon just made the Honor List.
討好99.999%黨員是為了爭取中共貪官家族的投資。 他倆辱駡我是因為我破壞了假裝㓕共真集資的財技套路。 Calling 99.999 Good Guys is to get the Corrupted CCP Members to investment. They blew up because I disrupted their TAKEDOWN CCP FUND RAISING SCHEME.
泛民議員參唔參加臨立會是泛民的家事,應在黃絲中民調。 用全民民調是出術:借藍絲來沖淡黃絲的主流民意 。 港人接唔接受臨立會才動用全民民調。
其實議員接唔接受委任唔係主題 主題我地啤被中共剝奪左一年多選舉權 五眼重啓談判前想見到香港人有權選舉 Key point is not about accepting the CCP nomination CCP has robbed our election rights for MORE than ONE YEAR PRISM will want our election rights restored before dialogue
Should Pan Dem Legco members join the Provisional Legco: I support polling from the 610,000 primary voters. 民主派議員該不該參與臨立會: 我支持在初選610,000投票人中做民調。
PRISM Foreign Ministers insisted 2020 lawful LEGCO election. Some Pan Dem members want to stay on the Unlawful Appointed Provisional LEGCO without Mandate. It’s Undemocratic and a slap in the face of Secretary Pompeo who has been standing firm with HK.
I appreciate and welcome your standing with me. 衷心感激,歡迎同行
Pan-Dem should boycott the unlawful Provisional Legco unless HK people give them the mandate them to join.
Chris Patent ask Haque for HK Sovereignty
因人身安全和中共病毒,我決定取消16日在舊金山和18日在洛杉磯的演講。請原諒並感謝支持。 Due to Security & CCP Virus, I cancel my speeches in SF 16th and in LA 18th. I apologize and thank you for your support.
The NAZI party was a Criminal Organization and all the NAZI members were criminals. 納粹黨是非法組織,所有黨員是罪犯。
@QuShuitai @SecPompeo The 90 million Criminal CCP members do not represent the 1.4 billion Chinese People. 九千萬罪惡中共黨員不能代表中國人民。
Dear Secretary Pompeo, The CCP is a Transnational Criminal Organization. The 90 million CCP Party Members are Criminals under RICO. They should all be sanctioned. 親愛的國務卿, 中共是一個跨國犯罪集團,九千萬黨員皆犯罪份子。應受制裁。
Dear Secretary Pompeo, HK Freedom Fighters propose : Chinese Parliament Standing Committee be sanctioned for the unlawful HK Nation Security Law & the postponement of the HK Legco Election. 親愛的國務卿, 香港自由抗爭者建議制裁中共人大常委非法通過香港國安法和推延立會選舉。
Secretary Pompeo, Please warn Airlines not sell Air Tickets to the Sanctioned Parties and their Direct Relatives to avoid Secondary Sanction. 親愛的國務卿, 請警告航空公司不可售機票給受制栽者和親戚,以免受二次制裁。
北京使館章去掉中國 為將來台北使館鋪路 接著建疆藏港大使館 美國在推邦聯的體制 與歐盟的體制差不多
五眼聯盟同制裁 北約日本即跟上 立會選舉今年上 求饒隊伍在路上
IT脫勾,訊息隔離: 中共產品不得裝美國軟件 美國產品不得裝中共軟件 經中共光纖不得連接美國 美驅趕中共電訊營運公司 美國資料只可放美國雲端 中共管制中國國民自由 美國管制中共黨員自由
政治迫害戴耀廷,18委員將受制裁。 被牽連家人值得同情,應劃清界線。