mom0ka @ Xenoblade 3(@stocjia)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

RT❤️They're finally here! Thanks to your support, all designs have been added and now come in a super limited 2WT variant, along with the return of the Nia Mousepads 😄🙏 This is the last time theyll be up, so be sure to check them, and the uncensored artwork below 👌
王子様は今日も綺麗な月のように輝いている🌟all I want for Christmas is for you to say his name #真・女神転生V #SMTV
遅くなりますが、クリア記念のイラストとして描いた主人公くんです。はじめてのメガテンをクリアできたことをわいわいしたくて描いたものです😊To celebrate the completion of my first SMT game, I drew the protagonist🙏 #真・女神転生V #SMT5
Just a little bit
I love XC2 because it helped me feel comfortable in my own skin/accept myself and has a very good story that pushes hope in the darkest moment that ends up being nearly as motivational as a watch through of Gurren Lagann. If you cant see that cus boobs then I am sad for you.
i really want to make her
水着と海の季節ですよ🌊Summer time means swimsuits and the ocean😊 #ゼノブレイド2 #XenobladeChronicles2
ブレニアちゃんの衣装が綺麗ですよね✨Blade Nia with her intricate, beautiful costume😊 #ゼノブレイド2 #XenobladeChronicles2
ヒカちゃんとお揃いのホむらむら描いちゃった🔥 A Pyra to go with Mytha😊 #ゼノブレイド2 #XenobladeChronicles2
ホムヒカの参戦お祝いとして描いたPC背景用イラスト✨おめでとうございます!! I drew Pyra and Mythra to celebrate their addition to Smash and turned it into a desktop background 🤗🔥 #ゼノブレイド2 #XenobladeChronicles2
ホムヒカ参上致します!Pyra Mythra In Smash Now 🔥 #XenobladeChronicles2 #ゼノブレイド2
ツインテールのつんでれちゃん✌️ Mythra in Twin Tails ✨ #ツインテールの日 #ゼノブレイド2 #XenobladeChronicles2
樹と華の中にて🌸Nia In The Trees & Flowers #ゼノブレイド2 #XenobladeChronicles2