Great interview people should watch! But interesting thing is that when I tried to interview her today she looked very stressed out and frightened. Very weak. I almost felt sorry for her. She was laughing in this interview. @ezralevant was right. She laughs when nervous. twitter.com/RebelNews_USA/…
ダボスに取材に行っていた米国レポーターが全てのチェックポイントで”ランダム”検査 フィーネックス空港では荷物を全てチェックされ、パスポートが一時取り上げられたと。 @morgonnm twitter.com/morgonnm/statu…
クラウス・シュワブ氏遭遇!突撃取材依頼が、、 Klaus Schwab"Which media are you from?" "independent" "No thank you." youtu.be/y_h39dCIF3U 日本語訳できました!
Facebook, Instagram, YouTubeでRebel News Avi氏のファイザーCEOインタビューが検閲されています!! 皆さん、日本語訳されたものもありますので、是非リツイート、拡散を!! 日本語訳付きは↓ twitter.com/j_sato/status/… twitter.com/ozraeliavi/sta…
長いライブ配信のポイントとなるところに字幕をつけてくださった方がいます。是非みて見てください ダボスでテレ東に要望⁉参政党外部アドバイザー我那覇真子がダボス会議現地リポート16日②後半VSテレ東⁉字幕付き情弱CH youtu.be/tu3ekxOHPrY
American people following me🙏I would like to share my livestream @ Texas border last year. your country invaded..↓ youtube.com/watch?v=-SCXZ5… Right now @Michael_Yon @BenBergquam @Oscarelblue are in Darien to show you the crisis. You have great patriots! rumble.com/v26gu5q-footag…
😂I love how they edit. twitter.com/RebelNews_UK/s…
"Greta, people are using you" "yeah people like you" @GretaThunberg ignored all the questions but this one. looked very different from the appearance on TV What is happening to her, around her, behind her? Join to analyze not only her but around her Full youtu.be/i1XPefppyCM?t=…
Thank you very much LTG Flynn!!!! I’m inspired a lot by many American Patriots and receiving courage! twitter.com/GenFlynn/statu…
“Meat will be a special treat” I saw expensive steak restaurants in Davos last week but no insect restaurants . twitter.com/wef/status/983…
“Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city – or should I say “our city”. I own nothing. I do not own a car. I do not own a house. I do not own any appliances or clothes” WEF have deleted the webpage therefore Let’s spread the archive! WEFが削除した所有権を否定する記事 拡散! twitter.com/itsme_moody/st…
ニュースあさ8!にもうすぐ出演します 是非ご覧ください! R5.01/25 【ゲスト:小笠原 理恵】百田尚樹・有本香のニュース生放送 あさ8時! 第44回 youtu.be/-JIoGoj7NUA @YouTubeより
I’m going to be on Newsmax 9:35 ET today! Very excited 😊 youtu.be/K6EV9zxX4HY
What could this possibly mean? Maybe I was harassed today. At my airbnb, a flyer was at my door. Only my door. Random people can’t enter this building without a key. I saw it when I came back after my time on Newsmax. The owner of the room said nothing like this has happened.
It was my honor to be able to talk on the show hosted by @Large_Farm. Thank you very much. And we will do it again. Everyone , please join tomorrow!😊🙏 21:30 Swiss time twitter.com/i/spaces/1zqKV…
鍵がないと入れない建物なのに、私のドアノブのところにだけスタバの広告の様なものが置かれていました。 宣伝業者が来るわけでもないし不思議です。 部屋のオーナーも今までこんなことなかったと。 果たしてこの意味は。 twitter.com/ganaha_masako/…
#LiedSuddenly…. Lol 人間の命を何とも思わない人が、自分の正体をバラされたらこうもパニックになるんだ twitter.com/Project_Verita…
IOM is facilitating the weaponization of migrants. Because of those lies, migrants are suffering going on a very dangerous journey. Instead of Greta & IOM, we need to listen to @Oscarelblue @BenBergquam @Michael_Yon @rangerholton in Darien gap with migrants twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…
スイスのフリーダム•ベル•スインガーズから日本の国旗入りユニフォームをプレゼントして貰いました! A gift from Swiss Freedom Bell Swingers Uniform with 🇨🇭Swiss and 🇯🇵Japanese flags! twitter.com/ganaha_masako/…
先日出演した「あさ8」です。 まだの方は是非! R5.01/25『ニュース生放送 あさ8時!』我那覇真子 出演場面 youtu.be/Yn-KOkChcB8
Thread① False allegations have surfaced against me that I am in some way involved in a cult called "the moonies." I am not involved in any way with this group. When I asked Michael Yon for an interview in 2020, he did not agree for several months. michaelyon.com/featured-dispa…
Mr. Pascal Najadi, Swiss banker protecting his country with his life. I respect him and his father, Hussain Najadi, one of the founders of WEF, who stood for the integrity and left Schwab. K O N K R E T - Masako Ganaha from JAPAN - mRNA Covid Failure & WEF rumble.com/v27rcz2-k-o-n-…
パスカル・ナジャディ氏 スイスの銀行家、命をかけて国を守る。彼と、彼の父親でWEFの創設者の一人であるフセイン・ナジャディ氏に敬意を表します。フセイン氏は自らの哲学に従い、シュワブ氏のグループから離れました。 インタビュー日本語訳を乞うご期待! twitter.com/ganaha_masako/…
番組「ウォールーム」ダボスよりライブ出演 The War Room Masako Ganaha Live From Davos: 1/19/2023 youtu.be/3Emy6BIVqeI 日本語訳できました!
Well-written summary Interview with Mr. Pascal Najadi who filed Criminal Charge against Swiss President & Minister of Health for lying about the mRNA injections MUST SEE INTERVIEW: Masako Ganaha & Pascal Najadi on WEF, Injection Injuries, by @Large_Farm open.substack.com/pub/farm/p/mus…