It’s very disappointing to see someone degrade a victim of cancer who is no longer around to respond and to have the audacity to also try and drag down those supporting that victim.
Pretty much everyone (me included) has had their life impacted in some way by cancer. t.co/YSVKnr4LW7
Passive: ATK +150% & DEF +100%; Ki +3 and gain an additional ATK +50% when attacking Extreme Class enemies; high chance to perform a Critical Hit; gain an additional Ki +5 and perform a Critical Hit if there is a “Wicked Bloodline Category enemy twitter.com/dokkan_officia…
Dragon Ball Heroes collab in Dokkan full info twitter.com/DbsHype/status…
So far, what are your current thoughts on how the Dragon Ball Legends 4th Anniversary has been from a big picture perspective?
Kuwa has been with me since day 1 and has been a big reason why my content has been able to reach so many people. The least I could do is spread awareness about this. twitter.com/mugenkuwa/stat…
I would pay $60 for a game that looks like Pokemon Blue as long as it's enjoyable and there's enough content. twitter.com/THEAP99/status…
Passive: ATK & DEF +120% and gain an additional DEF +60% when performing a Super Attack; when there is 1 enemy gain Ki +3 and, when performing an Ultra Super Attacking, gain an additional DEF +60%; gain an additional Ki +1 and ATK +30% per enemy (1/2) twitter.com/dokkan_officia…
LR Goku, Trunks, & Pan EZA info. twitter.com/dokkan_officia…
Don’t understand this sentiment. It’s something different that breaks the mold. We’ll definitely continue to get Dragon Ball games that explore other genres so if this isn’t something that particularly excites you there will be more down the road. The game deserves a chance. twitter.com/Lando_doe18/st…
Sorry English version here lol twitter.com/_Kowai_/status…
LR STR Trunks & Mai EZA details. twitter.com/dokkan_officia…
Pan (Xeno) and Robel will be new summonable characters (there will obviously be others not shown here). They will Dokkan Awaken.
Demon Goddess Putine will be obtainable from the same event as last year but from a new stage.
The characters on the bottom right will all EZA. twitter.com/AirDokkan/stat…
Dokkanfest INT SSJ3 Bardock EZA twitter.com/dokkan_officia…