Nanon hold Ohm's hand and Ohm showed off the red and blue paper to Nanon. Nanon saw it and smile cute with him 😭😭💚❤️ #GMMTVFanFest2022JPD2
Okayyyy Ohm~~☺️☺️ OhmNanon Mchoice #ohmpawat
So handsome 😭😭💚❤️ OP said Nanon also came to GMM 😭 •叫了声喵 #OhmNanon #mynameisnanon #ohmpawat #โอมนนน
Crying......😭😭😭💚❤️ #OhmNanon1stFM #OhmNanon
Narak + handsome = 🐶 See u in Sunday, my bae~🥺💚❤️ #OhmNanon #ohmpawat #โอมนนน
Begin The End I like the way Nanon was with Ohm when Ohm was sick during today's event 😭😭 #TEAMOHMNANONwithAIS5G #OHMNANON
🥹🥹🥹💚❤️ Love is u!! #OhmNanon #mynameisnanon #ohmpawat #โอมนนน •你乾杯我随意_
🐱: Next is u~ 🐶👀🐱: 🥰🥰🥰🥰 Just a little reminder from Nanon makes Ohm so happy 🥲☺️💚❤️ #GMMTVFanFest2022JPD1 #OhmNanon
Nanon with glasses??? 😭😭💚❤️ ©QiaoQiao1224 #mynameisnanon #nanon_korapat
Non : After just holding a fan meeting. Let my friend rest his neck for a bit. Now it doesn't work anymorez.... Nanon talk about Ohm 😭😭💚❤️ #TEAMOHNMANONwithAIS5G #TEAMAIS5GFANIVERSE
P'Kwang and her kids 😂😂💚❤️ So cuteeeeeee!!! #OhmNanon #mynameisnanon #ohmpawat #โอมนนน
After singing OurSong, when the lights went out and they were leaving the stage, 😺 patted Ohm's waist. It feels like you're going over there because you have to separate left and right... OP got a glimpse of Nanon's supporting the nervous Ohm 🥺💚❤️ ©haru300392521 #OhmNanon
😺*say something* 🐶: ☺️ - 🤣🤣 Awwwww 🤣🤣🤣🤣 So cuteeee awwww 😭😭💚❤️ #OhmNanon1stFM #OhmNanon
I love u and i'll protect u forever 🥹💚❤️ #OhmNanon #mynameisnanon #ohmpawat #โอมนนน
🐶😺:......😴 Good night boys~~😆 #OhmNanon #mynameisnanon #ohmpawat #โอมนนน
Ohm's today so cuteee 😭😭💚❤️ #ohmpawat •Simon纸片星人
🐱👀🐶: My he still ok? 😭😭😭😭😭😭💚❤️ #TEAMOHMNANONwithAIS5G #OhmNanon
Shake hands with puppy~~😂 😺: 😁😁😁 #OhmNanon #mynameisnanon #ohmpawat #โอมนนน
The way Ohm look at Nanon...😭😭 #ShiseidoxOhmNanonPerth
💚❤️💙: Say Papa love you~ 🐱: I will officially end this event today 😂😂😂 #TripleNTalk