🐑: Ok 🕊, if you’re the killer, kill 🧚, I won’t tell anyone
#OVideos #EnnaLively
Fuuchan will be organizing Among Us collab on 20th August !
Fuu : I have 30 years experience playing with my chinchin
🐑:Damn Comfydants, u should be fully dressed what are u doin?
🐑:U know what u get comfydants
*takes out🔫asset*
🐑:Do the thing
🐑:Good, u live for today, good job. Ok here u go
*pets comfydants*
🐑:I’ll polish ur horn. There u go, thats some cute sheep
One of the funniest part of the stream 🤣🤣🤣 The intense and dramatic stare-down before the “boom” LMAOOO I DIED
#EnnaLively #TatsuTalk #Ovideos #ukilipse
💬: Can we get 3D too?
🐑: Someday. I wont be at AR live but that doesn't mean I wont get 3D
He may talk about it but please do not bring it up on stream or ask him about it. He’ll tell us if he want to but let’s not start it unless he brings it up 🙏🏼
They're talking about V0x asmr stream. Fuuchan said he can separate it so thats why he can watch v0x asmr cause he's impressed with the production quality, the storytelling etc but when it reached "those" part, he'll take off his headphone
🐑: You clearly don’t understand what I mean when I say I’m a brat tamer. Those whiny b*tches that tell everyone how in charge & top they are, those are my fav prey. Domination loss. Taking someone who thinks they’re in control & putting them in their place, beneath me #OVideos
🔮: guys, noctyx is so tired, we've been through enough LMAO
🪄:Ive been trying to hit to🦁for centuries now
🐑:U mean hit on him? If u hit that, that means u smack something. Hitting on is chatting up
🪄:I want the former, not the latter. Spanking, domestic violence
🦁:Oh pog! …Unpog! Unpog!
#Ukilipse #millieseconds #lucalive #OVideos
Q: Name something that heats up when you turn it on
Fuuchan : Women
🐑: Keep working on it. No matter what level u’re at, u can always get better. But I’m sure u’re better than u think u are. That tends to be a thing where a lot of ppl do. They look at their own progress & they hate it. But u’re getting better & thats all that matters
🖋: Omg people are just like “Fuuchan you dont have an expiry date right?”
🐑: We’ll find out chat, we’ll find out
🖋: Ahh noooo
Fuu have a google sheet where he put links to fanart & organize it by who's in the fanart, from which stream, whats in the fanart etc so if he wanna see a certain genre/type of fanart, its easier for him to search it. & he always look at it when he's feeling down #FulgurOvidHere
*Kuzu chooses 🐑 to pitch*
Everyone: Come in, do you read me?
🔗: I can’t read
#lucalive #ovideos #Brisklips #にじさんじ甲子園
🎭: Guys, look at how many infected I kill ₕₑᵧ
🐑: Look how much damage u did to the tank, you’re incredible
🔮: I almost chocked on my tea. You’re, cause 🎭 was just like “look how much infected I kill ₕₑᵧ”
#Knoxclips #Ukilipse #OVideos
🐑: 🔮,come to me
🎭: No! not him 🔮. Me! Me!! 🔮 dont look at him, look at me!
🐑: 🎭 come to me
🎭: 🔮 please come back! He cant love u like I can
🐑: But I can throw him!
*they died*
🔮: Good thing the checkpoint is right here
#KnoxClips #Ovideos #Ukilipse
I know there’s a lot of reminder to behave already but I also would like to ask people not to clip it when he talks about it or when he was being emotional 🙏🏼 I feel like we should respect it and not share the private(?) moment when he wants to express and/or sort his feelings
🐑:Look after urself. Just understand that there are people who are angry, need to release their stress, just let them & support them. Please do ur best to support Noctyx. Please dont continuously ask or make people to do this. If they want to, thats ok but dont ask them to do it
🐑introducing himself in JP
💉:What should I call u?
🐑:Fulgur はいい (is ok), or Fuuchan, Fulgur-kun, すべてがいい(everything is ok)
💉: じゃあふーちゃんにするか。ふーちゃん可愛い!(I’ll go witb Fuuchan then. Fuuchan is cute!)
🐑:それは、いい(That is ok)