
It's OFFICIAL! It was announced today at Sakura Fes 2023「#さくらフェス2023」that #CardCaptorSakura Clear Card by #MADHOUSE will be getting a sequel! 🎉 This is amazing news!🥳 「#カードキャプターさくら クリアカード編」 アニメ続編制作決定! 🌸
HAPPY 7TH ANNIVERSARY!🎂🎉 Today is the 7th anniv. of #cardcaptorsakura clear card🌸#カードキャプターさくら クリアカード編 🌸, first serialized in the #nakayoshi #なかよし on the same day in 2016❤️ We came a long way & I enjoyed every bit of it!😊 Let's keep going forward!🌻🌻
\❤️Happy White Day!❤️/ #ハッピーホワイトデー It's celebrated on 3/14, it's when people reciprocate the gifts they received on Valentine's Day and it's mainly celebrated in Asia~ I hope you all have a sweet day with your loved ones today!💝 #CardCaptorSakura 🌸🐺