[Kuro Kara Kuri] Star Saber (Black ver.) is presented as limited edition sale ! #flametoys #transformers #鉄機巧
The 1st herald of the event is the HOT 鉄機巧 items we will display. 【鉄機巧 -Kuro Kara Kuri-】Rodimus #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #TRANSFORMERS
【鉄機巧 -Kuro Kara Kuri-】Victory Leo What is the final outlook after the Leo combined with the Star Saber ? Stay Tune !!! #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #TRANSFORMERS
The 2nd herald of the event is 2 new items under the series of 風雷可動!! Including Diecast, high articulation ability, fully painted, Transformers Beast wars will be presented in the series of 風雷可動 finally !!The 1st launch is Optimus Primal !!! #FLAMETOYS #風雷可動
【風雷可動 -Furai Action-】 "Leo Prime" will be the next !! #FLAMETOYS #風雷可動 #TRANSFORMERS
Congratulations on the openning of 2020 New Items Conference !! In addition to the sample display, the next items, which are under development, 【鉄機巧 -Kuro Kara Kuri-】JAZZ !!! #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #TRANSFORMERS
【鉄機巧 -Kuro Kara Kuri-】God Power Jet Armor Illustration is completed and production is in progress !!! #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #TRANSFORMERS
【鉄機巧 -Kuro Kara Kuri-】 Victory Saber is here !!!! #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #TRANSFORMERS
【鉄機巧 -Kuro Kara Kuri-】 Next standby...??? #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #TRANSFORMERS
【人機巧 -Hito Kara Kuri-】ARKHAM KNIGHT は明日2020年7月28日(火)12時より予約開始となります!! #FLAMETOYS #BATMAN #ARKHAMKNIGHT #アーカムナイト #人機巧
ゴッサム・シティの新たな脅威、アーカム・ナイト 予約開始されました! 2020年8月26日(水)21時までの予約受付となります! ▼商品情報はこちら s.goodsmile.link/2kI #goodsmile #FLAMETOYS #フレイムトイズ #バットマン #人機巧
At last,the illustration of ”WINDBLADE” is completed !!! The wings and many details have been updated. We are making the prototype now !!! Please wait for next information !!! #FLAMETOYS #フレイムトイズ #TRANSFORMERS #風雷模型 #FURAIMODEL
Urgent ! Urgent ! Urgent ! Pre-order of [Kuro Kara Kuri] Victory Leo will start soon !!! #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧
The pre-order of [Kuro Kara Kuri] Victory Leo start from today !!! ***Product information*** Price : US$400 Estimate Delivery : April, 2021 Size : ~16cm height, 23cm long #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧
- It can combine with Star Saber to become Victory Saber ! - It is fully articulated figure with over 120 articulated positions ! - Super-poseable with diecast parts for solidity and heaviness! - LED lighting effect on eyes and mouth ! ※Star Saber is not included
鉄機巧 Victory saber !!! #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧
The ordering period is September 30th !!! We look forward to your reservation !!! ▼Click here for product information d4toys.com/index.php?rout… #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧
The ordering period is September 30th !!! We look forward to your reservation !!! ▼Click here for product information d4toys.com/index.php?rout… #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧
[鉄機巧 -Kuro Kara Kuri-]MEGATRON Painted sample arrived !!! Best condition !!! #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #TRANSFORMERS
[鉄機巧 -Kuro Kara Kuri-]MEGATRON Amazing mechanism😆 #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #TRANSFORMERS
[鉄機巧 -Kuro Kara Kuri-]MEGATRON Size comparison with Optimusprime. #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #TRANSFORMERS
[鉄機巧 -Kuro Kara Kuri-]MEGATRON All weapons😎 #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #TRANSFORMERS