s o f t & c o z y
A bit late, but still festive...? 🐰🎨♥🖌🐶
Some private, quiet(?) time... 💦 @hornywah and @PolarPazu ❤️
Thought it was about time to share this little thing I made for @Raburigaron a bit back... pudgy cutie 🐀💕
Just a moo and the glow of the TV... @MooCowMu ❤️
Wakeup in the mornin' ~ ☀️ 🔥 🐶 @shooshoopahnah ❤️
You asked for it, cat...! 🐶🍆😺 @ThicCookieAD ❤️
Commuting doesn't HAVE to be boring... 🥴 💦 💦 💦 @SummonerWalter @_Roland_Reyes ❤️
They happened upon a seemingly-abandoned tunnel... inside, they found a ton of thirsty arachnids... usually one might run for the hills, but these spiders were a little different... 🕷💕 @KaleCreations
You're big and you're MINE. Don't you forget it. ❤️ @Black_Kodlak @Anomaly_Pan ❤️
YEAR IN REVIEW some of my favorite arts from 2022 - enjoy!!!
He likes teasing me for paying more attention to bigger guys... oops!! 😳 💕 @Anomaly_Pan ❤️
Warmer and cozier version 🔥
A warm and cozy night in with a good friend is all you need 💕 @Calcifer141 ❤️
want more tasty otters??? see more @ patreon.com/TheZestiestBone
Those wild fishies never know when to stop, do they? 🥴💦💦💦 @one0tterpls ❤️
Creamy alt! 😳
One dusty evenin', a couple sharpshooters decided to stop by the town saloon, hankering for some R&R. Little did the big tubby one know, he'd get what he wanted and more - the... impressive otter and him decided to yeehaw out in the open... @K_Navie and @Anomaly_Pan ❤️
ALWAYS this time of year, for the past THREE years... he never gets a break, does he? 🥴💦💦💦 @Smutty_Kuro ❤️
Spooky ghosts tend to take what they want... 😳 @Smutty_Kuro ❤️
Fun in the sun, anyone...? 🥵 💦 💦 @TanoMutt ❤️
Shh, keep quiet... but not TOO quiet, heheh... 💦 @Gralicbutter ❤️
One more exclusive from my P*treon! I really love how this one turned out - gotta love nature... @Raburigaron ❤️ If you wanna choose what I draw each month via polls, get exclusive access to art, and support my work, you can do it for as little as 3USD/mo!