t👀nzi | IG: thefairyartmother(@t00nzi)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Mystery Incorporated 🌸
“I don’t wanna hear about them, I wanna hear about YOU”
Love Punk 2023 💕
made it for the occasion…
Listening to into the cosmos ✨
Pink pink pink
“I'm the spark that makes your idea bright”
My people ☺️♍️
I like the boots. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Ash! 💚🐸
brb, gotta go throw this [redacted] off a cliff. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
another princess
An AI can’t show you the sketches that these were born from but #HumanArtists can!
This is the most sex-positive era in all of history and y’all are calling people expressing their boundaries the “Sexless generation” for having bodily autonomy. twitter.com/vertigay314/st…
X Gon’ Give it To Ya ♥️🍄✨
I made these right before pandemic hit, so it’s definitely time for some new ones.
Did a very late night photo study to help clear my thoughts
You know how people tend to say “I wish I saw the signs” and “they seemed fine yesterday!” before someone takes their life? hygiene neglect IS one of those subtle signs. twitter.com/hennywig/statu…
People treat mental illness as something to overcome rather than something you learn to live with.