Suddenly remembering that Carole and Tuesday was about ai art taking over and replacing live artists except it was ai music and the reason why Carole and Tuesday came out on top was because it turns out ai can’t replicate a soul.
I don’t care if you think “blackwashing” is real or not, if my art helps black and brown cosplayers feel less like an outsider then I’ve done my job.
Getting started on #blacktober a little early with Panty and Stocking!
made the Megan and Pardi pose into reference sketches
Listening to into the cosmos ✨
“I wanna be where the people are”
It works..I literally took a screenshot of this tweet and used it…
But it still changes…
I wanna…slow dance with you 🖤
The Modern Witch 💜
Bee and Puppycat was and always will be one of my biggest art inspirations.
“Numbers aren’t everything” is too nuanced of a statement to say it every time a small artist feels unseen. Sure, a high following doesn’t guarantee you money, or even opportunities but it definitely makes it 10x more likely and I don’t like that people pretend that it doesn’t.
Miku ! ⭐️*:✧*: ・゚✧•。・゚゚・ ・゚゚・。
Onyechi ❤️!
this didn’t turn out the way I wanted, but what’s done is done.
Credit cards, EBT, and WIC are all down today. It’s nationwide. Careful trying to purchase food, and please don’t yell at your cashiers!
And here’s the results.
Sailor Hottie 🔥
Here’s some vent art 🙃
HBOMax removing and specifically targeting animated shows and using them as a tax write off to cover a boring and expensive merger that nobody even asked for feels like a huge slap in the face to animators,artists and writers.
Get it Garnet! ⭐️