Steven Seagal is worst than Hanoi Jane. I hope that scum never comes back to the U.S. Better yet, gets conscripted to fight for Russia. twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews…
What has the US given Ukraine to defend themselves, Europe, and the free world? A lot! And it must continue until Russia is out of Ukraine. @CFR_org
"The international community must hold Putin accountable for his clear war crimes!...we need to get Ukraine's air defense to be 100% effective...Ukrainians aren't going to stop" my comments today with @NewsNation #ArmUkraineNow #UkraineRussianWar
Border guards and Marines hold the defense of Mariupol side by side!
Exhausted but unbreakable 💪 twitter.com/UkrArmyBlog/st…
18 more howitzer artillery units! twitter.com/JackDetsch/sta…
During my visit to Bucha on Saturday we walked the ground and discussed the events behind the photo. Incredible accomplishment by Ukraine early in the Battle of Kyiv. Use of restrictive terrain. Close ambush. ATGMs, Artillery, irregular forces. Trapped Russians. #SlavaUkraini
Mariupol still stands! April 28. #SlavaUkraini twitter.com/JominiW/status…
If true, that would be huge. A report that the Russian soldier who was filmed gruesomely castrating a Ukrainian prisoner of war has been captured. Really hoping it is true! twitter.com/VickreyNeil/st…
"The head of Ukraine's defense intelligence agency predicts that the war will end by the summer." That might be possible, it will require continued & increased military aid (send #ATACMS ). Russian military in Ukraine is very weak & winter will crush them. youtube.com/watch?v=FttZRy…
Russia continues conducting massive daily war crimes as the world watches. twitter.com/IAPonomarenko/…
Crimea is Ukraine and will be liberated. twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa/st…
100% this. twitter.com/AVindman/statu…
“I don’t agree the war as we are seeing it today will last for years, this war will be decided over the next couple weeks, next couple of months.” my talk with @Enrique_Acevedo on @CBSNews yesterday. youtu.be/iDiUhADvkGE
Chairman of Joint Chief of Staff @CNN powerful words. “What’s at stake here is the global international order” he says we created post 1945 to prevent great powers against smaller nations “if Russia is allowed to get away with this, we will see great instability in the world”
He is the butcher of Syria. War is “an act of force to compel our enemy to do our will” - Carl von Clausewitz. This guy has also been caught quoting John Boyd OODA loop. Nonetheless he is about to learn what a more motivated force with morale, cohesion, will to fight, can do. twitter.com/rulajebreal/st…
Version 4 of "The Mini-Manual for the Urban Defender," updated translations, especially Ukrainian should be done by Monday. V3 available in Ukrainian, Latvian, Japanese. #urbanwarfare johnspenceronline.com/urban-warfare
ICYMI. Version 4 of "The Mini-Manual for the Urban Defender," out this week with updates that include basic life-saving medical care, UXO safety, and much more. Availibe to download as a PDF. Updated translations coming. #IStandWithUkraine johnspenceronline.com/urban-warfare
said John Spencer…”Strategically, operationally and tactically, it’ll send a signal that Russia can’t hold ground in Ukraine, and the path to victory for Ukraine is pretty much assured. The timeline’s still in question, but the path to victory…assured,” thehill.com/policy/defense…
Version 4 of "The Mini-Manual for the Urban Defender" is out. Updated translations coming. Available to download as PDF. Updates include basic ambush (upon request) content, basic medical lifesaving steps, a little more on water purification, UXO safety. johnspenceronline.com/urban-warfare
Finnish Army trench clearing training. I agree with @Eyal_Berelovich Very high standard and excellent techniques, clearing angles, pieing, barrel accompanies head/eyes always ready to fire. twitter.com/Nysses/status/…
I second @MarkHertling Disgusting! Tucker Carlson is a cancer. The worst on so many levels. This is not about free speech. He thrives on inspiring hate, misinformation, division in our society. twitter.com/MarkHertling/s…
Small arms (from M4, AK, PKM, to .50 cal) can be effective on slow, low flying aircraft and drones. It looks like I need to add a few pages to the "Mini-manual for the Urban defender" 🧵johnspenceronline.com/urban-warfare
A rundown of U.S. military assistance provided to Ukraine so far. #SlavaUkraini
Civilians can't get out of Mariupol. There should be a cease fire and international oversight to help those trying to get transportation in, who can't get there because of Russian checkpoints!