Situation developing. A Russian missile strike reportedly hits in Poland, killing 2 civilians. reuters.com/world/europe/p…
Russia continues conducting massive daily war crimes as the world watches. twitter.com/IAPonomarenko/…
I am still in awe. A President visiting his troops, his people, on the very front line, with the enemy less than 10km away. A man who rose to the occasion and became the leader his people needed. A historic hero for others to embody. Be more like @ZelenskyyUa twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Friends of mine. Ones I trust. Need help. Give if you can. twitter.com/ferlain/status…
Anywhere Russians have been, these horrors are discovered. This should show the world that Russian reasons and intentions have nothing to do with border disputes, liberating people that want to be Russian. This is about committing genocide on Ukrainian people, culture, state. twitter.com/AnaCabrera/sta…
A graphic that says a thousand words. Ukraine is winning. The path to victory is clear. twitter.com/bradyafr/statu…
A small but plausible explanation to the timing of the liberation of #Kherson in the #RussiaUkraineWar Putin and his strategists were hoping on a major shift in U.S. (and countries that look to the leadership of the U.S.) support to Ukraine in the U.S. midterm elections. 🧵
No words. twitter.com/myroslavapetsa…
You must choose a side. You’re either pro-Ukraine or pro-Russia. You’re pro-good guys or pro-evil guys. Yes, I do try to make objective assessments of the military and political situation. But I am or course pro-Ukrainian (good guys), pro-freedom, pro-democracy, pro-laws of war.
100% this. twitter.com/AVindman/statu…
"this is another major turning point in Russia's illegal war in Ukraine...he could not hold this pivotal city...100% desperation, their strategy really hasn't made sense this entire war." my talk with @AnaCabrera @CNN earlier today about #Kherson #UkraineRussiaWar
Russian withdraw in defeat from Kherson is very real. twitter.com/ItsArtoir/stat…
"Ukraine...saying talks could only resume once the Kremlin relinquishes all Ukrainian territory and that Kyiv would fight on even if it is "stabbed in the back" by its allies." Shame on anyone that expects anything less. euronews.com/2022/11/07/ukr…
Putin lost the war for Ukraine in April at the Battle of Kyiv. He lost the Battle of Kharkiv in Sept. Now he has lost the Battle of Kherson. Where will he lose next? Ukraine will not stop. Winter is coming for Russia.
Disappointing. U.S. refuses to give Ukraine Grey Eagle drone over fears of escalation. Which is appeasement IMO. Putin's threats are working on some in the U.S. administration. Give Ukraine everything they need to defend themselves/their sovereignty. wsj.com/articles/u-s-w…
A great day for Ukraine. Kherson city is being liberated. The only regional capital Russia was able to seize the entire war. A major loss for Russia. twitter.com/bayraktar_1lov…
Not sure why they have to ask. Send Ukraine C-RAMs and anything else they need to protect their civilians and cities. @POTUS defenseone.com/policy/2022/11…
I really respect this act from Sean Penn. Maybe some won’t. But I see as great respect and emotion. “Hold this until Ukraine is free.” Clearly it means a lot to Sean and I can see it as him giving something important to him. #SlavaUkraini twitter.com/Gerashchenko_e…
Russian soldiers surrendering in mass. It is their best option. Unlike how their leaders treat them, they will be treated humanely (even with calls home to their families) in Ukrainian care. twitter.com/WarMonitor3/st…
Russian military forces withdraw from sovereign Ukraine land (1991 borders) and then negotiation and peace talks can begin.
Putin has lost his illegal war in Ukraine. He doesn’t have the means to break the will of the Ukrainian people to continue fighting. He doesn’t have the means to break the will of the west supporting Ukraine. The only question is how many Russian soldiers die before he stops?
All of Ukraine will be rebuilt. It will come back stronger than ever. Free, democratic, western aligned and powerful. twitter.com/TpyxaNews/stat…
“Nuclear weapons must not be used over Ukraine, Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Friday, offering Beijing's clearest response yet to Russia's invasion”…even China sends Russia a message - the world is against your nuclear threats and terrorism. amp.scmp.com/news/china/dip…
Wow. Russian “mobilization” is turning into Russian slaughter. twitter.com/MrKovalenko/st…